All-in-one cosmetics for effortless skin care without lotion and milky lotion! Why you should introduce it and recommended items for men!


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All-in-one cosmetics for effortless skin care without lotion and milky lotion! Why you should introduce it and recommended items for men!

8 Recommended All-in-One Cosmetics for Men

Next, we introduce the all-in-one cosmetics we recommend for men! We will discuss products ranging from high-priced to petit-price products, along with their ingredients, so you can find the right product for you.

All-in-one cosmetics for men (1) “POLA Margence Multi-Conditioning Gel

Margence is a men’s skincare brand by POLA. It is an all-in-one gel with excellent permeability, and is very easy for men to use because it feels moist on the inside of the skin but smooth on the surface. It also contains hyaluronic acid, which has excellent moisturizing power, and keeps moisture in the skin for a long time. POLA is one of Japan’s leading skin research companies, and Margens is a trusted brand that conducts research specifically on men’s skin. It is an orthodox all-in-one that can be trusted for its effectiveness and comfort of use.

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All-in-one cosmetics for men (2) “24h cosme 24 Men’s All-in-One Lotion

24h cosme” is a popular brand of cosmetics made of 100% natural ingredients that “do not burden the skin even if it is not removed for 24 hours. Of course, this all-in-one lotion is also made with only skin-friendly natural ingredients. Since it is a lotion type, it has a fresh moisture-based texture and is comfortable to use after washing the face without feeling sticky. Plant-derived ingredients such as bilberry leaf tighten the skin and lead to tight pores. This all-in-one product is especially recommended for men with oily skin and those who do not like stickiness and shine caused by skin care.

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All-in-one cosmetics for men (3) “ZIGEN All-in-one Face Gel

ZIGEN all-in-one gel, which contains five types of human ceramide, is characterized by its smooth finish due to the fact that it contains no oil at all. If you suffer from dryness and skin sensitivity, ZIGEN’s all-in-one cosmetics are perfect for you, since a lack of ceramide in the skin can disrupt the barrier function and cause sensitive skin. Many skincare items with high ceramide content have a heavy texture, but this item is oil-free and gel-type, so it blends easily into the skin. In addition, it contains 15 kinds of amino acids, which leads to healthy skin that is less prone to roughness. It is hypoallergenic, so it can be used by relatively all skin types.

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