What are the signs of a receding hairline? Learn how to self check!


What are the signs of a receding hairline? Learn how to self check!

Thinning hair is now a problem for men of all ages. If you are concerned that you may have thinning hair, why not do a self-examination first? In this article, we will introduce the “Signs of a receding hairline.

Licensed beautician, hair diagnostician, medical hair stylistSeiji Sato

He has 30 years of experience as a hair stylist. While working at a salon, he also makes proposals to customers as a hair diagnostician for people with scalp and hair problems, and has an established reputation for his approach from two perspectives, hair and fashion, aiming for zero stress for people suffering from AGA. Currently working at the medical hair salon "LonaLona Clinic”.

An increase in “hair growth” at the hairline is a sign of thinning hair!

The normal hair cycle goes from the “growth phase,” during which new hair grows, to the “regression phase,” during which hair growth weakens, to the “resting phase,” during which old hair is shed and the hair follicles go to sleep, and then back to the growth phase. The growth phase usually lasts 3 to 5 years, but if the hair cycle is disrupted, the growth phase is drastically shortened to 1 to 6 months, and the hair follicles enter the regression phase without growing any new hair. The repetition of this process leads to an increase in the number of hairs at the hairline. In other words, the ratio of hair growth at the hairline is a very powerful tool for examining hair cycle disruption. If a disruption of the hair cycle is observed, be aware that the situation will continue to worsen if immediate action is not taken.

Why is the hair cycle disrupted?

The main cause of a disrupted hair cycle is a disrupted lifestyle. In particular, an unbalanced diet prevents the intake of nutrients necessary for the hair and scalp, making it easy for the hair to become fine all over, not just at the hairline. Stress, aging, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and the season are also said to be causes of this problem, which suggests how easily the hair cycle is disrupted in modern people.

How can we return to a normal hair cycle?

It is a good idea to start by reviewing lifestyle habits. In particular, it is essential to improve one’s diet in order to grow good hair. It is also recommended to take a multivitamin containing minerals and amino acids in combination with meals, or protein as a supply of protein. It is also a good idea to get a good amount of sleep, as it is said that growth hormones are actively secreted during sleep. If you are not moving regularly, it would be effective to exercise to promote blood circulation. Walking for 30 to 60 minutes or taking a bath for 10 to 15 minutes in two bathes to warm up the body is also a good idea. If you start with what you can do to improve your hair and then change to a more regular lifestyle, your hair cycle should return to normal.

The old saying ” 4 fingers in forehead = baldness” is a falsehood.

It has been a well-known method for a long time to check the progress of thinning hair by how many fingers fit on the forehead. If three or fewer fingers fit on your forehead, you are safe, and if four or more fingers fit, you are bald. In reality, however, this is nothing more than a test of “forehead size. To begin with, the number of fingers that can fit in a person’s forehead differs depending on the size of the forehead and the thickness of the fingers, making it unreliable. It is shortsighted to be overly concerned about thinning hair because four fingers fit, or, conversely, to be relieved because three fingers do not fit. To determine if one has thinning hair, it would be wise to determine from factors such as ” whether the forehead is wider than it used to be ” and ” whether the scalp is firmer than it used to be.

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