Casual shirts by type! Check out the examples of outfits & recommended items as well!


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Casual shirts by type! Check out the examples of outfits & recommended items as well!

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Casual shirt recommendation 6: “When it comes to sporty collar shirts, this is it! Button-down shirts” “

Speaking of “button-down”, it was born from the fact that the grandson of the founder of “BrooksBrothers (Brooks Brothers)” who is an American shirt brand applied a button to fix the collar of the polo shirt that the players wore in the polo game enjoyed by the upper class in England to prevent it from floating. It is a detail. Because it is a detail born from sports competitions, it has a strong casual taste. It is known as a royal item of the American tradition, but recently, button-down shirts with a strong dress feel tailored by Camicheria of Italy have also appeared on the market.

Although it can be said that this shirt is not suitable for a classic style, it can be used as a business style accessory. Although this shirt is not suitable for a classic style, many people use it to add a touch of business style. One of the advanced techniques is to unbutton the collar button of the shirt to show the collar in a disheveled state. This is widely known as a trend mark of the late Gianni Agnelli, former chairman of Fiat, and is still loved by fashionable Italians.

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関連記事 Button-down shirt coordinates for men! Introducing the hottest outfits and items with a smart and light feeling
ボタンダウンシャツ コーデ メンズ特集!スマートかつ軽快感のある注目の着こなし&アイテムを紹介
A rigid and elegant concave-shoulder navy suit with a saxophone blue button-down shirt Styled with a hard, elegant conc...

Button-down shirt recommendation 1: “FAIRFAX BD shirt

This button-down shirt is made by the Japanese shirt brand “Fairfax. This shirt is made of Royal Oxford fabric, which was created through a collaboration with the long-established shirt manufacturer Albini, and has both a sporty and elegant image, making it ideal for a variety of outfits. If you are looking for a highly versatile shirt, this is definitely a good candidate.

Click here for details and purchase

Button-down shirt recommendation ②” LUIGI BORRELLI GABLE

Luigi Borrelli” is a shirt brand representing Naples. The GABLE button-down shirt with its distinctive high collar is a soft and sexy take on the American detail of the button-down, interpreted by the Italian brand.

For details and purchase, click here

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