Five polo shirts for business style!


Five polo shirts for business style!

Polo shirts” are allowed to be worn under the Cool Biz regulations. Since polo shirts originally originated as sportswear, they may give an impression of laziness depending on how they are worn and the choice of items. If you are going to wear a polo shirt, you should choose a cool polo shirt with an elegant look that is appropriate for biz occasions. In this issue, we introduce a selection of recommended polo shirts that can also be used for business style!

Choose the best polo shirt for business style in accordance with the dress code of the company you work for!

Cool Biz” may be one word, but the dress code varies depending on the type of work. Some workplaces allow you to wear a polo shirt and chino pants, while others do not allow you to wear a polo shirt.

If you choose a polo shirt that can also be used for business style, a plain or one-pointed conservative design is a good choice.

Even though business style is becoming more flexible, it is better to avoid overly aggressive designs. As much as possible, choose plain, understated designs. It is recommended to choose monotone colors such as white, black, and gray, or basic men’s colors such as navy.

If you wear polo shirts in business style, pay more attention to the size!

If you wear polo shirts in business style, size is a more important factor. If you choose a polo shirt in a big size because of the trend toward relaxed, effortless styling, you may be branded as a slouch in terms of personal appearance. Even if you do incorporate a sense of comfort, it is advisable to check the balance of the silhouette in front of a mirror to avoid giving the impression of overdoing it.

For articles on Cool Biz in general! Here’s what to wear for Cool Biz! Pick up the hottest outfits and recommended items [2019 latest]

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Next, we introduce polo shirts for business style!


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