What foods can cause baldness if consumed in excess? Check out foods that can help prevent and improve thinning hair.


What foods can cause baldness if consumed in excess? Check out foods that can help prevent and improve thinning hair.

It is believed that the main cause of thinning hair is heredity, but disrupted lifestyle is also a major factor. Daily stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, etc. can be cited as causes, but dietary habits have a major impact. Not only is it possible to have thinning hair due to low dietary intake and inadequate nutrition, but also due to overeating and picky eating. In this article, under the theme of “baldness and diet,” we will introduce a list of foods that are not good to consume in excess, as well as foods that may help prevent thinning hair.

What foods can cause baldness if consumed in excess?

First, we will start with foods that are strictly prohibited. Check them out because they not only cause thinning hair, but also have a high possibility of adversely affecting many other health issues.

Foods that are not good if consumed in excess (1) “Foods high in carbohydrates

It is easy to imagine that taking in too much sugar leads to obesity, but be careful, because it can actually lead to thinning hair. Too much blood sugar in the bloodstream can reduce blood flow, making it difficult for nutrients to get to the scalp and causing the scalp to become hard. Also, as you know, the risk of developing diabetes increases, so be especially careful with sweets and juices that are high in sugar content.

Foods with too much animal fat ” (2)

Eating too much fatty meat or fried foods can cause excessive sebum production in the scalp, which can easily clog pores and increase hair loss. It also leads to an increase in bad cholesterol in the blood, which ages hair follicles and root cells and makes hair fall out more easily. Incidentally, many junk foods contain not only fat but also food additives that can interfere with hair growth, so if you enjoy junk food, be sure to eat only in moderation.

Foods with too much salt ” (3) Foods with too much salt

Excessive salt intake is said to impair kidney function. The kidneys are responsible for processing waste products in the body, and if their function is impaired, the waste products will accumulate in the bloodstream and cause hair loss, as well as inhibit the production of new hair. Ramen noodles are said to have the highest salt content of all the foods we eat on a daily basis, so it is essential to make adjustments, such as leaving the soup alone.

Foods that are not good to consume in excess (4) “Stimulants

Stimulants are foods and beverages with strong pungency, astringency, bitterness, or aroma. Capsaicin in chili peppers and caffeine in coffee and tea are well-known stimulants. Capsaicin is said to be good for the scalp because it improves blood flow, but it also causes sebum to be secreted along with perspiration, making it easier for bacteria to grow on the scalp, which can lead to thinning hair if care is not taken. And too much caffeine destroys adenosine, a component that promotes hair growth, so be careful.

Foods that should not be consumed in excess (5) “Alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption is not only detrimental to health, but also to thinning hair. Damage to the liver makes it difficult to produce protein, the main material for hair. Excessive consumption also impairs stomach and intestinal function, which would prevent vitamins and minerals from reaching the scalp. In addition, it leads to an increase in DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which promotes thinning hair, so be careful not to drink too much.

Be careful with cucurbitaceous vegetables

There have been published cases of body hair loss caused by food poisoning from eating cucurbitaceous vegetables such as pumpkin. Cucurbitaceae plants rarely contain cucurbitacin, a poisonous and bitter substance, so do not swallow it if you find it bitter.

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