What foods can cause baldness if consumed in excess? Check out foods that can help prevent and improve thinning hair.


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What foods can cause baldness if consumed in excess? Check out foods that can help prevent and improve thinning hair.

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5 recommended foods for baldness prevention/measures

Finally, here are some foods that are effective for thinning hair. There are many ingredients that are good for the scalp and hair, so why not give them a try?

Recommended food for baldness prevention (1) “Liver

The advantage of liver is that it is high in protein, low in fat, and rich in minerals and vitamins. It is high in zinc, which is essential for healthy hair, and has the highest amount of vitamin A, which prevents excessive sebum production in the scalp. It is one of the richest in nutrients among meats, so if you are not a fan of it, why not try it? Chicken liver, however, is quite high in vitamin A and can easily be overdosed, so be careful not to eat too much.

Recommended food for baldness prevention (2) “Eggs

Eggs, a complete nutritional food, are essential not only for body building but also for hair building. They contain a good balance of vitamins and minerals as well as protein, and are easy to obtain and eat. If you want to eat eggs without losing their nutritional value, we recommend half-boiled eggs or half-boiled fried eggs, in which the whites and yolks are not mixed.

Recommended food for baldness prevention (3) “Oysters

The amount of zinc contained in oysters is one of the highest among foods. They are also high in B vitamins, which are essential for the metabolism of the amino acids that make up protein, and rich in taurine, which promotes metabolism itself. Zinc promotes the synthesis of keratin, the material of hair, and inhibits the action of 5-alpha-reductase, which is related to hair loss, so it is essential to consume zinc.

Recommended food for baldness prevention (4) “Sesame and nuts

Seeds such as sesame and nuts are rich in nutrients and are popular among those who are body-building and health-conscious. They are attractive because they can be easily incorporated into the diet to supplement vitamins and minerals. As for sesame seeds, sesamin provides anti-aging benefits, making them ideal for maintaining a healthy scalp and hair. Nuts are also a great source of high-quality oil.

Recommended food for baldness prevention (5) “Seaweed

Many people may imagine that growing hair = eating seaweed. Seaweed, which has long been said to be good for hair, is rich in minerals, especially iodine. Iodine prevents aging of blood vessels and improves blood circulation, thus indirectly following the scalp and hair. It is also rich in fucoidan, which promotes cell proliferation in hair follicles. Seaweed is low in calories, so it is sure to be indispensable if you want to prevent hair loss while dieting.

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