What is the arm muscle training menu you can do at home? How to train each part of the body!


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What is the arm muscle training menu you can do at home? How to train each part of the body!

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Supplement Recommendations to Enhance the Effect of Muscle Training!

Supplement recommendation 1: “Protein

Protein” is an efficient way to consume protein, which is essential for building muscle. Nowadays, protein is also popular as a supplement for those who cannot get enough to eat, and some people even drink it to maintain their health. There are many types, but they are basically classified into “whey,” “casein,” and “soy,” and some people choose to drink different types depending on the time of day and purpose of consumption. If you are drinking protein for muscle hypertrophy, whey protein is recommended.

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Related article】8 top protein recommendations! Pick up popular products with a reputation for being easy to drink.

関連記事 Protein Recommendation 24! Pick up popular products with a reputation for being easy to drink by type.
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Protein with a reputation for being easy to drink " Casein Weider Whey Casein Protein This protein is made by mixing w...

Supplement recommendation ② “HMB

HMB is said to be effective in promoting muscle synthesis while preventing muscle breakdown. 3g of HMB per day is said to be necessary to obtain sufficient effects, but since it is not easily ingested in the daily diet, it should be taken as a supplement. Recently, many manufacturers have developed a wide variety of HMB supplements, including tablet and powder types, and they also come in a variety of flavors to make it easier to take. Although it is necessary to take it continuously as it does not have an immediate effect, it is said to be so effective that studies have shown that it increases muscle strength, so please try taking it.

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Supplement recommendation 3: “Multivitamin & Mineral

Vitamins and minerals are essential for efficient absorption and metabolism of nutrients such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates. If you do not consume enough vegetables in your daily diet or if you have an unbalanced diet, you may lack some vitamins and minerals, so you should actively supplement your diet with supplements. However, water-soluble vitamins are said to have basically no side effects, while fat-soluble vitamins and minerals may cause health problems if consumed in excess, so it is important to watch the balance with the diet.

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