What is the arm muscle training menu you can do at home? How to train each part of the body!


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What is the arm muscle training menu you can do at home? How to train each part of the body!

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Training menu for triceps at home

Triceps muscle training you can do at home (1) “Narrow push-up

The narrow push-up is an exercise in which the hands are narrower than in a regular push-up. It is the most orthodox of the body weight training exercises for the triceps and is recommended for beginners as the movement is simple.

Build a normal push-up posture and place your hands narrower than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your legs and head straight as if they were a single board, bend your elbows so that they are in line with your body and drop your body. At this point, be careful not to turn your elbows outward, as this will cause the load to escape to your shoulders and chest. Another important point is to drop the body while inhaling and raise the body while exhaling. The goal is three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. If this is too difficult, adjust by kneeling down or reducing the range of motion.

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Triceps training at home (2) “Reverse push-up

This is a workout for the triceps using a platform and your own body weight. It is one of the most popular training exercises to do at home with your own body weight, but the load is stronger because you have to support your body weight with your arms, so you should adjust the range of motion according to your level.

Place both hands on the stand, stretch the legs out in front of you, and position yourself so that your weight is on your arms. At this point, instead of placing your hands on the width of the chair, keep them shoulder-width apart to better engage the triceps muscles. From there, lower your body until your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle. When returning the body, exhale as you raise the body straight up, which will help to feel the triceps tighten. The goal is three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. If this is difficult, it is recommended to adjust the range of motion by placing the feet just below the knees or by making the range of motion shallower.

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Triceps training at home (3) “French press

The French press is a muscle training exercise in which the arms are extended straight up from a position where the weight is held behind the head. Since it is a single-joint exercise that moves only the elbow joint, it pinpoints the triceps muscle, which is largely involved in the elbow joint extension movement.

Sit on a chair or stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells behind your head with both hands. Exhale as you lift the dumbbells straight up and inhale as you bring them back down. When lowering the dumbbells, let gravity do the work, or you will lose the load. The goal is three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. If it is difficult, take it easy.

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