What is the arm muscle training menu you can do at home? How to train each part of the body!


What is the arm muscle training menu you can do at home? How to train each part of the body!

Of the entire body, arm muscles are relatively easy to train, and results are easily seen. If you train your arm muscles well, you will definitely look cool even when wearing a T-shirt or a shirt with your arms rolled up. In this issue, we will focus on the most common arm muscles, “biceps,” “triceps,” and “forearms,” and introduce weight training and other exercises that you can do at home!

Personal trainerShunpei Oshima
With a complex about his own slender body, he began body makeover and won the Summer Style Awards x Dream in the sports model category in 2017. He is also well versed in improving posture and O-legs, and has gained tremendous trust from clients of all ages. He is also currently active as an artist.

How big should your arms be to look even cooler in a T-shirt?

The average upper arm circumference for men is about 27.5 cm with the elbow bent. And generally speaking, the line that is considered thick by those around him is said to start at 35cm. This is about the same thickness as the sleeves of a standard size M T-shirt. However, in order to be considered cool, the arms must be thick with muscles, and if desired, the balance between the biceps and triceps should also be taken into consideration. Incidentally, the man in this snapshot is thought to have an arm circumference of 45 cm or more.

40cm arm circumference is the sign of an intermediate trainee! It is also said to be a sign of an intermediate trainee!

It is a well-known story among people who are engaged in muscle training that the minimum arm circumference for a full-fledged trainee is 40 cm. A 40cm arm circumference will be recognized by all the other trainers. However, although upper arms tend to get bigger right after the start of training, the pace of growth slows down gradually, and it takes longer than expected to reach 40 cm or more, so you must always keep your motivation high. It is important to train patiently and gradually increase the weight in order to make your arms thicker.

When is the best time to train biceps and triceps?

It is advisable to divide the days for training biceps and triceps according to the volume of training. Only when training using the split method, it is fine to do both at the same time if you have a day for arms alone, but if you want to combine them with chest and back, it is recommended to do each separately. Specifically, avoid the triceps on the chest day and avoid the biceps on the back day. By not performing the areas used for assistance on the same day, the benefit is that each area can be trained in a fresher state.

How many times a week is the best time to train arms?

There are many opinions on the frequency of training for relatively small muscles such as the arms and shoulders, and there is no absolute right way to train them. There are cases in which muscle development is achieved by pushing hard and frequently, and there are cases in which muscle hypertrophy is achieved by incorporating a good amount of rest, so it is important to train while experimenting to see which is right for you. However, once a week is not enough to aim for muscle hypertrophy, so it is advisable to train at least twice a week.

Training menu for ” biceps ” at home

Biceps Strength Training at Home (1) “Hammer Curl

Hammer curls are an exercise in which dumbbells are lifted with the palms of the hands facing inward. It is a must if you want to strengthen your arms, as it can be used to strengthen not only the biceps but also the forearms. This training mainly trains the long head of the biceps. If you want to make your arms thicker, this is a menu you should definitely include.

With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells in both hands and bend your elbows slightly. While exhaling, lift the dumbbells with the image of tightening a strong fist, and while inhaling, return the dumbbells. When lowering the dumbbells, it is best to be aware that if the elbows are fully extended, the load will be lost, so it is best to return the dumbbells to a position where they are not fully extended. It is recommended to perform this series of movements for 3 sets of 10~15 times, increasing the weight if it is easy, and decreasing the weight or to the limit if it is difficult.

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Biceps training at home (2) “Concentration curl

The Concentration Curl is a form-focusing, pinpoint training of the biceps because the elbows are locked in place. The short head of the biceps is particularly stimulated, making it a great way to build up the height of the power hump. The Concentration Curl is full of appeal, but be careful not to use your forearms too much when you get tired.

Sit in a low chair with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell. Keep your other hand at the side of the side holding the dumbbells. The side holding the dumbbells should tighten its armpits and lock its elbows into its thighs to start. As you exhale, raise the dumbbells by curling your little fingers inward, and then return to the original position as you inhale. Do not do this quickly, but take about 3 seconds each time you raise and lower the dumbbells to become more aware of your muscles. The goal is three sets of 10-15 repetitions. If you can afford it, increase the weight; if it’s too hard or you feel pain, it is recommended to lighten the weight.

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Biceps training at home (3) “Palm curl

The palm curl is a self-weighted palm curl that can be used to strengthen the biceps without dumbbells. This is an exercise in which the load is applied by manual resistance, but conversely, there are cases in which it is not possible to train sufficiently depending on the degree of force and the number of times you do it. It is important to push hard without relaxing your strength.

Bend and extend the elbow while holding the wrist of the side to be trained firmly. The key is to remember to breathe, such as exhaling while lifting and inhaling while returning, and to keep the elbow in place. The best way to perform this exercise is to reach the limit after about 10 to 15 repetitions. Or, you can raise it in 3 seconds and lower it in 4 seconds.

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