What is the arm muscle training menu you can do at home? How to train each part of the body!


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What is the arm muscle training menu you can do at home? How to train each part of the body!

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Training menu of “forearms” you can do at home

Forearm muscle training you can do at home (1) “Wrist curl

The wrist curl is a classic forearm training exercise. This exercise strengthens the forearm flexor muscle group on the palm side of the forearm, giving you cool-looking arms when you roll up your arms.

Hold the dumbbells so that they hook onto your fingers and hold the forearm firmly in place with the opposite hand. Continue to lift the dumbbells while wrapping your wrist around them as if you were attaching your fingers to your elbow. It is recommended to start with light weights, as too much weight may cause injury or a loss of form. The goal is 3 sets of 10~15 repetitions slowly. If it’s too difficult, just go as far as you can.

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Forearm muscle training you can do at home (2) “Spinion

Spinning allows you to strengthen the extra-rotator muscles, which are the muscles that twist the hand outward. The extrinsic rotator cuff muscles are often used in everyday activities such as turning a doorknob or holding a pen, so they are particularly easy to be aware of in forearm training.

Hold the end of the dumbbell with one hand and hold it firmly with the opposite hand to prevent the forearm from moving. Start with the dumbbells parallel to the floor with your palms facing down. From there, slowly turn your palms back without letting gravity do the work. Although it looks easy, it uses a surprising amount of grip strength, so beginners are recommended to start with about 3 kg to 5 kg. The goal is 3 sets of 10 times, but if it is too hard, you can go as far as your limit.

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https:// otokomaeken.com/dietexercise/21181


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