Unlocking the Weight Loss Benefits of Coffee: Tips, Tricks, and Recommendations for Men’s Fashion


Unlocking the Weight Loss Benefits of Coffee: Tips, Tricks, and Recommendations for Men's Fashion

Did you know that coffee, a familiar beverage, is actually effective for weight loss? If you could turn your daily coffee break into an easy time to lose weight, you would be very happy. In this article, we will introduce diet and coffee, its effects, cautions, and what kind of coffee you should choose.

Is it true that coffee has a diet effect?

There are no studies showing that coffee has a direct effect on weight loss, and apparently the scientific evidence is thin. However, there have been numerous studies on the relationship between coffee and health. Studies on the inhibition of fatty liver, studies on the relationship between coffee and diabetes, and studies on the relationship between coffee and anti-aging are just a few examples. Notable among these studies are those showing that coffee stimulates the autonomic nervous system, which in turn increases fat metabolism. In addition, two components of coffee are said to have a weight-loss effect.

Two ingredients in coffee support weight loss!

Coffee contains two ingredients that are effective for weight loss. They are caffeine and chlorogenic acid. What effects do these two ingredients have?

Caffeine, the most common ingredient in coffee, promotes fat burning!

Caffeine is the most characteristic component of coffee, and has been shown to increase basal metabolism and promote fat burning. When the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated by ingesting caffeine, adrenaline is released. Adrenaline promotes the breakdown of visceral fat, which is said to have a weight-loss effect. It also has stimulant and antipyretic analgesic effects, and is used as a medicine to treat drowsiness, fatigue, and headaches.

Rich in chlorogenic acid, which is effective for weight loss!

Chlorogenic acid is a type of polyphenol known for its antioxidant effect and its ability to suppress fat accumulation. Chlorogenic acid inhibits the enzymes that break down carbohydrates, slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates and making it difficult for excess fat to accumulate. It also has the effect of burning fat and newly generated fat in the body. It also increases insulin secretion, and research has shown that it may prevent diabetes.

What are three ways to enhance the weight-loss effects of coffee?

Coffee is effective for weight loss, but casual drinking of coffee may reduce its effect. Therefore, we will introduce some important points on how to drink coffee effectively.

How to enhance the effects of weight loss: 1) “You should drink it black, without milk or sugar!

If you enjoy coffee for weight-loss purposes, it is preferable to drink it black, unsweetened, without milk or sugar. The reason for this is that black coffee has a low calorie content of 4kcal per 100g. On the other hand, Frappuccinos, caramel macchiatos, etc., which contain syrups, sugar, and milk, are high in calories and are not suitable for dieting.

How to enhance weight loss (2) “The best time to drink after a meal or before exercise!

The best time to drink coffee is within 30 minutes after a meal or before exercise. In the case of after a meal, the caffeine and chlorogenic acid in coffee have the effect of stimulating gastric juice secretion, and drinking after a meal stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, leading to smooth digestion. Drinking before exercise promotes fat utilization during exercise and enhances fat burning. Although there are individual differences, the effects appear approximately 0.5 to 2 hours after ingesting caffeine, so it is best to time your drink accordingly.

How to enhance the effect of weight loss (3) “It is best to drink it hot to increase metabolism.”

Although not limited to coffee, it is important to raise body temperature by drinking hot beverages. When the body temperature rises, the internal organs become more active, metabolism increases, and weight loss is enhanced. However, it is said that the temperature at which caffeine and chlorogenic acid can be effectively extracted is 80°C, so it is best to avoid coffee that is too hot.

What should be considered when drinking coffee for weight loss?

Although caffeine is effective for weight loss, it is important to note that there is an upper limit to the amount of caffeine consumed per day. Although based on U.S. standards, the upper daily limit is 400 mg, which is equivalent to five cups of coffee if each cup of coffee contains about 60 mg of caffeine. In addition, the ingredients in coffee activate the secretion of gastric juice, which may cause stomach problems if too much is consumed. The acceptable daily intake of caffeine, which is estimated to have no adverse effect on health even if consumed continuously over a lifetime, has not been established internationally as well as in Japan, due to the large differences among individuals. The appropriate amount of coffee per day is about 2 to 3 cups. Be careful not to drink too much.

Incidentally, each cup of black coffee is said to contain only 8 kcal, so drinking too much is not likely to make you gain weight. However, it goes without saying that adding milk, sugar, or gum syrup will increase the calorie content. Depending on the amount of milk and sugar added, the calorie content will be 20~50 kcal per cup, so be careful not to drink too much if you cannot drink it without sweetening it.

Not only diet benefits! Coffee has many other benefits!

Coffee has other benefits besides weight loss, and is known to have various effects related to health and beauty. In this section, we will introduce some of the main benefits.

(1) Relaxing effect

Caffeine stimulates the brain and sympathetic nervous system, which can be expected to improve mood and concentration. A study on the aroma of coffee showed that brain waves of people who smelled the aroma of coffee increased when they relaxed, compared to those who did not smell the aroma. Coffee can be expected to have an aromatic effect.

(2) Reduction in the risk of developing diabetes

Diabetes is known to be caused by a lack of the hormone insulin or its inability to act properly on cells. Caffeine is said to play a role in improving the function of the organ that controls insulin, and coffee is said to be effective in preventing diabetes. In addition, the chlorogenic acid in coffee also suppresses the rise in blood glucose levels after eating, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

(3) Effect on reducing swelling

The diuretic effect of caffeine can be expected to reduce swelling. Swelling refers to a state of excessive fluid accumulation in the body, and the diuretic effect promotes its elimination from the body. Coffee works on the autonomic nervous system and activates the sympathetic nervous system, which helps maintain the body’s water balance by circulating water in the body.

How to choose the right coffee for weight loss?

There are two main factors to focus on when choosing coffee. One is to use shallow-roasted beans with high chlorogenic acid content, and the other is to drink it by drip. Chlorogenic acid is broken down and reduced when roasted. Therefore, shallow-roasted beans, which have a shorter roasting time, contain more chlorogenic acid than deep-roasted beans, and are expected to be more effective for weight loss. It is also known that drip coffee contains slightly more chlorogenic acid than instant coffee, so drip coffee is recommended. Compared to the easy-to-use instant coffee, drip coffee requires the use of a filter, which may seem troublesome. However, it is worth a try, as the weight loss effect is enhanced by the extra effort.

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