Is it true that you can lose weight just by walking? What are the benefits of a walking diet?


Is it true that you can lose weight just by walking? What are the benefits of a walking diet?

Walking is one of the easiest forms of exercise to start. It is a popular exercise for men and women of all ages, as it is easy to incorporate into daily life and is not hard on the legs and back. However, many people may find it a bit too convenient to believe that they can lose weight just by walking. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the “walking diet.

Can you actually lose weight just by walking?

People tend to think that you need to do hard aerobic exercise to lose weight, but in fact, you can lose weight just by walking. Besides, walking has some great benefits for the body that other aerobic exercises do not provide. However, it is important to have a good knowledge of walking beforehand, because you will not get the desired effect if you do not know how to do it properly and how to do it. In addition to exercise, diet is also quite important, so remember to control your daily calorie intake and PFC balance.

What are the effects of walking?

As mentioned above, walking has the potential to help you lose weight, but it also has other exciting benefits. Here are some of the benefits that can be gained from walking.

Effects of Walking (1) “Fat Burning

The most promising effect of walking is weight loss. Walking is classified as an aerobic exercise and is expected to reduce body fat and visceral fat because it uses fat as energy. Walking also warms the body, which improves blood flow and increases the fat-burning effect. Furthermore, since the legs, which are the largest part of the body’s muscles, are mainly used, it can lead to a body with a high metabolism.

How much weight can you lose by walking?

The calorie expenditure for all exercise, not just walking, is calculated by the formula ” calorie expenditure (kcal) = METs x exercise duration (h) x body weight (kg) x 1.05. METs, which refers to exercise intensity, is divided into approximately 3.5~5 depending on the speed of walking. If a 60 kg man walks at a slightly faster speed for 30 minutes, he can consume 4 x 0.5 x 60 x 1.05 = 126 kcal. This is not a very large number, but considering the ease of continuation and the strain on the legs and back, it should not be too bad.

Effects of Walking 2) “Healthy by Promoting Blood Flow!

Walking activates the calf muscles, which helps to distribute blood throughout the body. Improved blood circulation warms the entire body and may improve coldness and swelling. It is also said that improved blood flow has a positive effect on blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and may help prevent or improve lifestyle-related diseases. Since it is easy to do and has many benefits, I highly recommend it for those who are not good at exercising or for exercise beginners.

Effect of Walking (3) “Stress Fighting with Happy Hormones

Walking facilitates the secretion of serotonin, which is called the happy hormone. Serotonin stabilizes the mind and keeps the brain active by helping to maintain a sense of security and normalcy, as well as increasing intuition. It is particularly noteworthy for its effect on stress, and can be expected to be so highly effective that it can be called a natural tranquilizer. Incidentally, serotonin is easily secreted when exposed to sunlight, so if you are looking for a stress-relieving effect, it is better to do walking during the day when the sun is shining rather than at night.

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