Is water or tea better for weight loss?


Is water or tea better for weight loss?

Hydration is important not only for a healthy lifestyle, but also in dieting. In this issue, we will discuss “Which is better for weight loss, water or tea?” and introduce the benefits of each and how to drink them effectively.

Is water or tea better for dieting?

In conclusion, it is better to drink more water than tea when dieting. Tea does not contain calories, which is not directly related to weight loss, but it does have some disadvantages. For example, it contains high levels of caffeine and catechins. These can be expected to have a weight-loss effect in moderate amounts, but if consumed in large quantities, they can cause a burden on the organs and diuretic effects that can easily lower the body temperature, resulting in a decrease in metabolism. Drinking tea throughout the day may also decrease the quality of sleep due to the stimulant effect of caffeine. Therefore, it is recommended that tea be consumed in moderation during dieting and that water be the preferred beverage.

What effect does water have on weight loss?

Because it does not contain unnecessary ingredients, water can smoothly rehydrate the body without putting a burden on it. Here are some of the benefits of water for dieters.

Advantage of drinking water (1) “Prevents & relieves constipation

Dietary fiber is well known as effective in preventing and relieving constipation, but water intake is also quite important. This is because normal stools contain about 80% water, and water makes up most of the stool. Especially during dieting, the amount of food eaten is reduced and the volume of stools tends to decrease, so it is important to take in plenty of water. If you are already suffering from constipation, it is recommended to drink a glass of water or white water immediately after waking up to stimulate intestinal activity, or to take magnesium oxide supplements to improve the absorption rate of water in the stool.

Advantage of drinking water (2) “Promoting blood flow

Since 90% of blood is water, water is essential to maintain good blood flow. Good blood flow facilitates the distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, which is thought to make it easier to recover from fatigue. In the first place, low blood water and sluggish blood flow are factors in many health risks, such as muscle cramps, heat stroke, stroke, myocardial infarction, etc. Therefore, it is important to hydrate frequently to maintain a healthy diet.

Advantage of drinking water (3) “Improves metabolism and makes it easier to lose weight.”

It is said that drinking an appropriate amount of water can easily increase metabolism as heat is generated to warm the body and organs become more active. This increase in metabolism makes it easier to consume energy, which in turn improves the effects of weight loss. In addition, the liver, kidneys, and various other organs become more active, which can be expected to have a purifying effect, making it easier to expel unwanted substances. To avoid overloading the organs, drink water instead of tea.

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