Why is My Protein so popular? All the reasons we recommend it and the products you should buy!


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Why is My Protein so popular? All the reasons we recommend it and the products you should buy!

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What products should I buy at My Protein? From supplements to clothing, here are 10 recommendations!

Many people may not know what to buy at first because of the wide selection of products. This section introduces 10 recommended items among standard and popular products. We hope you will use them as a reference when choosing a product.

Myprotein recommended products 1) “IMPACT WHEY ISOLATE

Impact Whey” is recommended as part of the “Impact Series,” which is one of Myprotein’s most popular products. Whey Isolate (WPI) is a whey protein that is a finer version of the most commonly consumed whey concentrate (WPC), with carbohydrates and fat removed. While the protein content of Whey Concentrate is about 80%, Isolate has a protein content of about 90%, so it provides only purer protein. This low-fat, low-sugar, high-quality whey isolate is available in more than 40 flavors, so you can enjoy choosing your favorite taste.

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Myprotein Recommended Product (2) “IMPACT DIET WHEY

Next up is a diet-specific protein, also from the ” Impact Series. This protein provides a whopping 39 grams of protein per serving, and it also has a long-lasting effect on the stomach, making it ideal for snacking on while dieting or to ease hunger pangs before going to bed. The name “diet” suggests it is a protein with minimal excess carbohydrates, and it contains choline, green tea extract, and co-beneficial linoleic acid to support weight loss. This is truly a protein recommended for dieters.

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My Protein Recommended Product 3: THE WHEY

This is the highest quality protein sold by My Protein. The protein is a blend of three different manufacturing methods: whey concentrate, whey isolate, and hydrolysis, which provides a solid combination of high-quality nutrition and ease of drinking. It also contains MYzone, Myprotein’s proprietary enzyme that helps break down protein into amino acids, as well as L-glutamine, L-leucine, and L-isoleucine to support muscle recovery and growth. The taste, ingredients, drinkability, and solubility of Myprotein are beyond reproach, making this an ambitious product from Myprotein.

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