What are 5 tips to keep in mind when implementing a denim jacket coordinate in summer?


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What are 5 tips to keep in mind when implementing a denim jacket coordinate in summer?

Tip #4: “All-white denim jacket coordinates coolly both visually and physically.

If you want to make your deni-jacket coordinate look a little cooler, it is quite effective to unify the entire body in white. White itself has a refreshing image, and it is also a color that does not absorb heat easily, making it cool both visually and physically. Incidentally, compared to black, which absorbs heat easily, the difference in surface temperature can be as much as 10 degrees Celsius or more. If you want to look and feel cooler, try this.

Recommendation of white denim jacket ” SIR. denim jacket

Find a white denim jacket

Tip #5: “A pair of shorts will instantly make your denijake coordinate look summery.

A quick and easy way to make a deni-jacket coordinate look summery is to wear shorts, which are more common in the summer. Not only are they cool, but they also bring a sense of openness, giving the outfit a seasonal feel. Also, shorts can make you look like a little boy if you make the mistake of wearing them with a denijake, but there is no need to worry about this when wearing them with a denijake. The denijake shorts style is one of the summer coordinates that suits adults.

Recommendation of shorts to match with denijake ” Carhartt WIP (Carhartt WIP) Cargo Shorts

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