Colored Pants Codes Men’s Special! Colorful and gorgeous outfits with bottoms & recommended items!


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Colored Pants Codes Men's Special! Colorful and gorgeous outfits with bottoms & recommended items!

Colored pants coordinate with pale tone items

This pale tone coordinate combines a gray T-shirt, light purple pants, and gray sneakers. Colored pants tend to conjure up images of assertive colors, but it is also fun to create a softer atmosphere with pale-colored pants such as those used in this styling.

INCOTEX Colored Pants

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The contrasting colors of the blue and yellow coordinate can be linked at key points to create a unified impression!

The combination of a blue jacket, blue T-shirt, and blue sneakers is paired with yellow pants, which are a complementary color to blue. The choice of items that create a sense of unity, such as the colored pants that are linked to the checkered pattern on the jacket, gives the outfit a stylish impression, despite the spicy coloring.

PT01 Colored Pants

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