Cool Biz Outfit Special! Pick up the hottest coordinators with a cooler look!


Cool Biz Outfit Special! Pick up the hottest coordinators with a cooler look!

Cool Biz was introduced in 2005, and although the number of companies that have implemented it seems to be increasing, there are probably still many people who have trouble finding the right way to dress for the occasion. We have picked up some examples of Cool Biz attire that may serve as a model for others. We hope you will find them useful as you apply them to your company’s regulations.

How to dress for Cool Biz: “If you must wear a suit, choose a summer fabric! The fact that you don’t have to choose your footwear accompaniment is also a plus.”

There must be many businesspersons who have to wear suits even in the summer. If you want to look cool in such a summer suit style, it is a good idea to choose a suit made of summer fabrics. For example, fabrics made from a blend of cool linen and moisture-absorbent wool are wrinkle-resistant, refreshing, and comfortable to wear even in summer. Of course, business shoes go well with this fabric, but many suits tailored in summer fabrics have a slightly casual look, so loafers, a synonym for comfortable shoes, are also a good choice.

Lardini Linen Tencel Suit

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Cool Biz outfit: “Just switching to breathable slacks makes a big difference in comfort!

For those who commute to work in jackets, I recommend breathable slacks. Many brands are releasing pants made of linen, which is a natural material, as well as functional materials such as Coolmax. Just by keeping your legs cool, you will feel much more comfortable, so please check them out.

Germano Linen Pants

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Cool Biz Outfit: “In addition to the no-tie style, choose a striped shirt for a cooler look.

We caught this gentleman wearing a navy suit in a light, no-tie style. The combination of a cleric collar shirt with a finely striped pattern creates a cool appearance. He also wears a three-peaked chief as if to maintain the dignity of a suit style.

ORIAN Striped Shirt

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