Special feature on autumn/winter coats that go with business suits! Introducing outerwear from the royal road to the outerwear that gives you a stylish look!


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Special feature on autumn/winter coats that go with business suits! Introducing outerwear from the royal road to the outerwear that gives you a stylish look!

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Coats that go with business suits [ 5 outerwear options on the high street

If you are a businessman, you should own at least one formal, royal coat, regardless of your occupation. Here are the must-have coats that can be used for everything from weddings and funerals to business style without being eccentric, and are a must when dressing conservatively!

Royal Coats that Suit Suit Style (1) “Chesterfield Coat

The “Chesterfield coat,” or “Chester coat” for short, originated from the coat worn by the Earl of Chesterfield in the 19th century. Its versatility in covering everything from formal styles appropriate for weddings and funerals to casual styles is attractive, and the darker tones such as dark navy and charcoal gray are selected, the more formal the impression becomes, and it matches all types of business suits. Although the current mainstream is a punched-out design with visible buttons, a chester coat with a velvet upper collar and tailored with a double-edged collar is said to be a classic, and its formal atmosphere is enhanced. If you often wear a coat with a suit or a jacket, a chester coat with winged tailoring would be a strong choice.

In addition to the above factors, the starting position of the gorgeline is also an important factor in determining the overall atmosphere. A low gauze line gives a casual impression, while a high gauze line gives a more formal impression. Currently, with the trend to return to the classics, wide peaked lapels, double-breasted and long-length designs with the starting point of the gauze line set close to the neck are widely available in the market.

LARDINI Single Chester Coat

Click here for details and purchase

BOGLIOLI Double Chester Coat

Click here for details and purchase

Related article] Introducing 7 styles of winter outfits using Chesta Coat↓

関連記事 Winter Cordage Men's Special [ 7 Styles of Chester Coat Wear ].
冬コーデ メンズ特集【チェスターコートの着こなし7スタイル】
Chester Coat Wearing Example (1): "Build on monotone as the main color for a trend-conscious look. Monotone colors such...

[Related article] To see more outfits using Chesta Coat↓

https://otokomaeken.com/ mensfashion/1292


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