Parasols are a hot topic among sensitive men? Introducing recommended products by size


Parasols are a hot topic among sensitive men? Introducing recommended products by size

Parasols” are gradually gaining popularity among men. While it may seem to prevent sunburn, it actually plays a variety of other roles as well. With the increase in the number of extremely hot days in Japan over the past few years, parasols may become mainstream not only for women but also for men. In this issue, we will introduce the reasons for the popularity of such parasols, their merits, and recommended items all at once!

Why are parasols becoming popular among men?

With the arrival of full-blown summer, more and more women are putting up parasols on the streets. However, if you take a closer look, you may also see a few men using parasols. In fact, parasols are becoming popular among men as well, and the number of easy-to-use designs is increasing. Here, we will introduce the reasons why men are adopting parasols.

Reason for the popularity of parasols among men: 1) “Just right for protection against heat stroke because it keeps out the heat.”

The most common reason for the popularity of parasols among men is that they protect them from the heat. In fact, it is said that just by putting on a parasol, one’s body temperature drops by 3 to 7 degrees Celsius. In this day and age, when heat stroke and poor health are a concern due to direct sunlight, using a parasol to create shade is an extremely effective measure. A parasol with a high light shielding rate will make you feel cooler. Even on days when it is difficult to protect yourself from the heat, such as when wearing a suit, a parasol will provide peace of mind.

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Reason #2 for Men’s Parasol Popularity: “Protects against sunburn and sun spots

After heat protection, the second most frequently cited benefit of a parasol is protection against ultraviolet rays. Because they can prevent sunburn and blemishes, they are also favored by men with beautiful skin. Sunburn is so damaging that it is also called skin inflammation. Because it can prevent burning and redness caused by UV damage, it is also recommended for men with sensitive skin.

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Reason_3 for Men’s Parasol Popularity_3: “Prevents perspiration and makes you look clean!

As the body temperature drops, the amount of sweat naturally decreases. The advantage of a parasol is that it can reduce the stickiness and odor caused by sweat, creating a sense of cleanliness. Women are particularly tolerant of men’s parasols, and in fact, they may even give a good impression. A parasol is an indispensable item if you want to keep yourself looking fresh and sweat-free even on hot days.

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