Parasols are a hot topic among sensitive men? Introducing recommended products by size


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Parasols are a hot topic among sensitive men? Introducing recommended products by size

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Easy to Use for Men! 3 Larger Parasols

Since men are larger than women, they should choose a parasol that is large enough to cover their entire body. If it is large enough to cover the entire body, you will be able to feel the full effect of the parasol. From here, we have selected chic and luxurious designs that are not only large but also easy for men to use. They are perfect for your first parasol, so be sure to check them out!

Recommendation of larger parasols_1) “a.s.s.a. FJ174 Men’s High Functional Umbrella

This 130 cm parasol can cover even large men. The fiberglass frame is strong enough to protect you on windy days as well as on days with strong ultraviolet rays. This is a first-class shading parasol that achieves a shading rate of over 99.99% for both UV blockage and light blockage, which is one of the highest among parasols. It is recommended for men who are particular about quality. Its waterproof formula makes it safe even in a sudden guerrilla downpour. The one-tone, simple design makes it easy to use even for men who have never used a parasol before. This is a perfect item for men, filled with the attention to detail of a domestic umbrella specialty store.

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Recommended larger size parasol (2) “RAMUDA Parasol Chambray

Lambda” is a long-established domestic luxury umbrella brand celebrating its 75th anniversary. This parasol is packed with the desire to carry on the world’s highest quality, and its silhouette is also a key point. The large, resilient silhouette is large enough to fit a man comfortably. The broadcloth chambray fabric with excellent light shielding properties is made of 100% cotton, which is typical of Japan. Furthermore, the handle is made of camellia wood, giving it the best in luxury design. It is a perfect piece that will elevate you with its casual, luxurious atmosphere.

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Recommendation 3: “ej Perfectly Shaded UV-cut Parasol, Hook Handle Type

This is a highly functional item with a 100% light shading rate that completely protects against ultraviolet rays. The greatest advantage of the complete shading is that it is cooler and you do not feel hot. Weighing approximately 600g, it is a bit heavy, but we recommend it for men who want to stay cool. The abundant color variation is also attractive, with a total of six colors, including fresh white, green, and blue, in addition to the standard black. People tend to choose safe colors, but since you will use this umbrella every day, it is a good idea to choose a color that accentuates your daily use.

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