Does ” skin fasting ” really work? A Thorough Lecture on Basic Methods


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Does " skin fasting " really work? A Thorough Lecture on Basic Methods

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Lectures on the 3 main types of skin fasting methods! Explanation from serious to beginners!

There is no set method for skin fasting, and there are various ways to do it, depending on the condition of your skin and the environment in which you live. Here is a lecture on the three most common methods of skin fasting!

How to do skin fasting (1) “Abstain from all cosmetics! If you want to practice it in earnest, this is the way to do it.

If you are going to do a full-fledged skin fast, you should anyway abstain from all cosmetics. Do not use cleansers or face washes, and use only water to wash your face. After washing your face, do not put anything on your skin and leave it as it is. During the day, do not use sunscreen, etc. If the skin’s natural barrier function is maintained, it will be less susceptible to damage from ultraviolet rays. Just be aware of the importance of keeping your skin bare.

How to do skin fasting 2 “Reduce the number of items gradually. It’s OK to let your skin get used to it.

Many men may feel uneasy or uncomfortable about suddenly cutting out all cosmetics. We recommend gradually reducing the number of items and eventually eliminating all of them. By gradually reducing the number of items, such as “stop using milky lotion” or “stop using sunscreen,” you will be ready for a full-fledged skin fast. This will not require much courage.

How to do skin fasting (3) “Complete your care with minimum items. If you are a beginner, you can use a simplified version.

There is also a simplified method of skin fasting that uses all-in-ones and sunscreen. This is a beauty regimen that reduces the number of items used on the skin, thereby reducing the amount of chemicals and regulating the skin’s barrier function. Although it is not a full-fledged skin fast and is unlikely to produce significant changes, it is a popular and easy method to try. The key to this method is to use only one type of skincare and to choose makeup items that can be removed with soap. Men who are reluctant to start a skin fast should try a simplified version first.

Cautions for skin fasting! Check temporary disadvantages.

Skin fasting invariably causes problems such as dryness and acne. This is because the barrier function is temporarily impaired by abruptly discontinuing cosmetics that have been used until now. This symptom is expected to last for two to four weeks, and even though it is temporary, it can be stressful. Many people also give up skin fasting here because they feel that ” they have failed at skin fasting. Knowing what symptoms to expect before starting a skin fast will give you peace of mind.

Temporary disadvantages of skin fasting (1) “Dry skin

If you have been moisturizing with lotion and milky lotion, you will probably feel excessive dryness at the beginning of the skin fast. The skin may feel flaky, pores open, and texture may be temporarily noticeable. In addition, the skin may produce excessive sebum to cover the dryness and suffer from flakiness and stickiness. These symptoms will improve once the skin’s barrier function is regulated, and the skin will in fact be more hydrated than when the skin was under skincare.

Temporary disadvantages of skin fasting (2) “Acne and rough skin

When just starting a skin fast, dry acne and skin irritation may occur temporarily. In addition, the accelerated turnover of the skin may cause unnecessary keratin and other substances to be expelled from the skin, making it temporarily more prone to acne. This is a problem that tends to occur around one month after starting a skin fast. Generally, the problem is resolved in about one and a half to two months, so do not be in a hurry to deal with acne or rough skin.

Temporary disadvantages of skin fasting (3) “Itchy and red skin

Skin fasting can cause sensitive skin such as itching and redness due to a temporary loss of barrier function. If it is tolerable, it is fine to leave the skin as it is, but if the skin becomes excessively sensitive, consult a dermatologist. In particular, men with sensitive or atopic skin may experience these symptoms. Some skin types are not suited for skin fasting, so if you have sensitive skin, consult a doctor in advance.

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