Business tote bag special! Selected picks of the most important & recommended items to choose from.

Business tote bag special! Selected picks of the most important & recommended items to choose from.

Tote bags have long been synonymous with casual bags, but nowadays there are many models that are suitable for the business scene, and there are plenty of options to choose from. Among them, totes with a leather body are appealing because they have a sense of luxury, yet are not too formal, yet have a mature look, and are easy to use on and off the job. In this issue, we focus on such “business tote bags” and pick up recommended items!

3 points to look out for when choosing a business tote bag!

(1) For business use, a classy and mature leather tote bag!

Tote bags are generally made of thick canvas. However, they tend to get dirty easily and look too casual to be suitable for business occasions. Therefore, for a tote bag suitable for biz style, it is a good idea to choose an elegant and mature leather tote bag. Leather is also easy to clean and can change over time, which is another reason why it is recommended.

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(2) We recommend a model with excellent storage capacity for documents and notebook computers!

For everyday use, a small bag is sufficient, but for business use, choose a tote bag with a large capacity because you will need to carry many things such as documents, a PC, and a notebook. Also, it is important to check the arrangement and number of pockets, as a messy bag is not a smart choice. Some designs have pockets for electronic devices and folding umbrellas.

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(3) A design that can stand up on its own will give you a “proper” look and make a good impression!

In the business world, where trust and confidence are essential, it is important to look smart and neat. For example, if a bag is sagging when it is placed on a table or the floor, it may detract from a man’s appearance, and even if it is made of leather, it may be seen as cheap. Therefore, you should also check whether the bag is designed to stand on its own.

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Next, we will introduce a selection of recommended business tote bags!


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