Panama Hats for Men – Elevate your summer fashion with a Panama hat! Introducing the origin of the hat and recommended items


Panama Hats for Men - Elevate your summer fashion with a Panama hat! Introducing the origin of the hat and recommended items

Panama hats” are a great addition to any summer outfit, whether dressy or casual. In this issue, we will introduce Panama hats, and show you the hottest outfits and items to look out for!

What is a Panama Hat (Panama Cap)?

A Panama hat is a summer hat with a brim made of thinly torn strings of Panama grass or toquia grass, a type of palm leaf that grows densely mainly in western Ecuador. Despite the name “Panama hat,” its origin is not Panama, but Ecuador.

Find a Panama Hat

There is no specific shape, and the term “Panama hat” encompasses everything from hats with a flat top like a can-can hat to dressy hats with a folded middle. The original hats are made in Ecuador, but a Panama hat is still a Panama hat even if it is made in Italy or China. Also, hats made of Panama grass are called “real Panama,” while hats made of other materials such as straw are called “miscellaneous Panama,” and are included in the broad sense of the term “Panama hat.

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