How to choose a shampoo brush and what we recommend!


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How to choose a shampoo brush and what we recommend!

How to choose a shampoo brush

How to choose a shampoo brush (1) “Manual or electric

Shampoo brushes can be broadly classified into manual and electric types. The advantage of the manual type is that it is inexpensive, lightweight, and the amount of force can be adjusted to one’s personal preference. The size of the brush, which fits in the palm of your hand, is also attractive. On the other hand, the electric type is powerful and highly effective, making you feel as if you are getting a massage rather than shampooing. However, they are rather large and expensive, and require a lot of time and effort to maintain. The market price for a manual shampoo is about 2,000 yen, and for an electric shampoo it is about 8,000 yen. It is advisable to choose a manual or electric massage machine based on comfort and budget.

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How to Choose a Shampoo Brush (2) “Check the Shape of the Handle “

Since the item is used with the arms raised, it is very important that it is easy to hold. A device that can be held between the fingers fits well and is easy to use for long periods of time. Since the appropriate type of electric power tool depends on the size of the hand and grip strength, check the shape and weight of the handle before purchasing.

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How to Choose a Shampoo Brush (3) “Choose a Soft or Hard Brush According to Your Preference” Find a Shampoo Brush

Brushes with soft tips are recommended for people suffering from sensitive skin or thinning hair due to their soft feel. On the other hand, a harder brush has a better massaging effect and is recommended for those who feel heaviness on the scalp. When washing hair at a hair salon, you can decide whether you prefer a gentle or powerful shampoo. If you prefer softer brushes, choose silicone, and if you prefer harder brushes, choose polypropylene.

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