How to choose a shampoo brush and what we recommend!


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How to choose a shampoo brush and what we recommend!

Shampoo brush recommendation [ 7 choices

Here are some shampoo brushes we recommend for men!

Shampoo brush recommendation 1: “uka Scalp Brush Kenzan

Recently, uka brushes have become a hot topic among men who love beauty. At first glance, it looks difficult to use because it has no handle, but its unique shape is calculated to fit in the hand, and its compact body has a reputation for being easy to use, even for women. The brush’s hard, chunky texture stimulates the scalp. It is ideal for men to be able to shampoo their scalp vigorously at home. It is good for vigorous cleansing of the scalp, or for tapping the scalp as if you were pressing pressure points. You can use it in two ways, depending on your mood and comfort preference. With its refreshing wash, it is no wonder that this product has so many fans.

For details and purchase, click here.

Shampoo brush recommendation 2: “Panasonic Scalp Esthe EH-HM7A

The electric type is attractive because it makes you feel as if you are having a head massage. The secret behind the hand-like spiral is a unique motion developed by learning from professionals at head spa salons, which rubs the scalp as if it were being pulled up, turning shampooing into a relaxing experience. The four brushes, two squeeze brushes and two sweep brushes, cleanse the scalp. The squeeze brush gathers the scalp, and the sweep brush firmly removes sebum and keratin clogged in the pores. With this, you can be sure that you will never have to worry about sticky scalp or smell.

For details and to purchase, click here.

Shampoo brush recommendation 3: “La Casta Head Spa Scalp Brush

We picked up a manual shampoo brush from ” La Casta,” which is famous for its hair shampoos and treatments. The brush has long, thin pins on the outside to scrub dirt from pores, and a larger sphere in the center to massage the scalp. The pins are long, so even men with long hair can use it. The nylon material is soft and comfortable to wash.

For details and to purchase, click here.

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