adidas’ classic “Campus” is a pair that goes great with adult outfits! What is its charm?


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adidas' classic "Campus" is a pair that goes great with adult outfits! What is its charm?

Recommendation of adidas “Campus” by color with brilliant color

The “Campus,” which is symbolically adorned with the three stripes that signify the Adidas brand, is available in a wide variety of colors that make the symbolism stand out. You can choose from a wide variety of colors to match your style, or get several pairs for different outfits. Here are some recommendations from the many colors!

    1. Adidas “Campus” color recommendation 1: “The versatile “Gray Three” with a hint of elegance.

Gray is a color that symbolizes the versatility of Campus. While it has a retro feel, this color gives a clean, calm, and cool look rather than a masculine one. It can be worn with any outfit. It is also attractive in that it can be worn with a wide range of outfits.

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    1. Recommended color of adidas “Campus” (2) ” Dark blue” with a gentle atmosphere that does not become too martial.

This color gives the slim silhouette an elegant look that is both intelligent and graceful, without giving too sharp an impression. The synergistic effect of the suede material makes it look classy, so it goes easily with slacks or chinos in the same color, and denim in a similar shade will also show its good compatibility.

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