Pocket T-Shirts for Men! Introducing its charm and recommended items by genre.


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Pocket T-Shirts for Men! Introducing its charm and recommended items by genre.

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Pocket T-shirts for men (3) “Introducing unique pocket T-shirts that make it easy to create a distinctive coordinate!

Easy to differentiate pocket T-shirts (1) “Cerruti1881 Botanical Pattern Pocket T-shirt

Serutti 1881, which boasts a history of more than 130 years, introduces this T-shirt with botanical-patterned pockets. The colorful pattern is very distinctive, and the box pockets are also a nice touch. Celutti 1881 also offers other pocket T-shirts, so if you are looking for a T-shirt with a box pocket, why not check them out?

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Easy to differentiate pocket T-shirt②”Off-White Outdoor T-shirt

Off-White, one of the hottest brands in the market, offers a T-shirt with a double-zip pocket in a unique shape. The same tech material used for the pockets is used to create a transition from the neck to the sleeves, and a purple transition is also used on the sides for a high-impact design. These pockets are ideal for sports activities, as you don’t have to worry about dropping them when running around.

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