Unlock Your Style Potential: Embrace the Charm of Forward-Lowering Hair for Men


Unlock Your Style Potential: Embrace the Charm of Forward-Lowering Hair for Men

Many men may be troubled by skeletal weak points such as the shape of their head, the roundness of their face line, or the fact that their face looks large no matter what hairstyle they choose. It is precisely for such men that I recommend the front part of the haircut. In addition to being suitable for covering up the skeletal structure, it goes well with the classic men’s mash and center parting styles, and is easy to implement. In this issue, we focus on the front-lowering hair style and introduce more details and hair samples!

What is “front-back” in the first place?

The front part of the head is longer around the face and shorter toward the back. While it is basically known as a standard style for women, it has become popular among sensitive men due to the recent genderless trend and its adoption by Korean men’s idol groups and others. The reason for the popularity of this style is that the hair around the face, which is left long enough to cover the contours of the face and give the effect of a small face, is also a benefit.

Forward-lowering hair is the best way to cover up your bone structure!

As mentioned above, this haircut is long in the front and short in the back, which inevitably raises the weight of the back of the head and makes the head look more beautiful. If you are suffering from a bony head or a precipitous wall, this is a good choice for you. Longer bangs can also be used to make angular gills less noticeable, and the sharp shape of the bangs can be expected to cover up the roundness of the face. If you have bone structure problems, why not try a lowered fringe?

There are plenty of other charms of front-lowering hair. If you’re looking for a new hairstyle, there’s no reason not to try it!

The appeal of the front part of the hairline is not limited to covering the skeletal structure. Another major advantage is that it can be easily mixed and matched with any hairstyle. This is because the front part of the hairline is not affected by the length, texture or volume of the hair. For example, it can be combined with the classic men’s mash and center parting styles, as well as with two-block hairstyles and perms. Even if the hair volume is small, a voluminous form can be created by trimming the collar and raising the weight. The wide range of arrangements and the suitability for all types of people are the charms of the front-lowering hair style.

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