Zinc Deficiency in Muscle Training: Benefits of Zinc and Recommended Supplements


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Zinc Deficiency in Muscle Training: Benefits of Zinc and Recommended Supplements

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What are zinc-rich foods?

Many foods high in zinc also contain a large amount of protein, so trainees can kill two birds with one stone by taking all the nutrients that have a positive effect on muscles at once. Surprisingly, however, raw oysters, which have the highest zinc content, do not contain much protein, so it is important to consume raw oysters with other proteins. In addition, it is not sufficient to take zinc once a day, but it is recommended to take zinc in several divided doses as much as possible. This is because zinc is easily eliminated with sweat. Especially for those of you who train, you sweat more than the average person, so please be careful about how often you take zinc. In terms of cost-effectiveness, supplements are the better choice, so if you cannot supplement your daily diet, then take supplements.

Food name Zinc content per 100g (mg)
Raw oysters 14.5
Milk (varies by part) 6~7
Natural cheese 7.3
Dried fish 7.2
Pork liver 6.9

What ingredients are effective when taken with zinc?

Ingredients that increase the absorption rate of zinc when taken together include citric acid, vitamin C, and animal protein. Citric acid is effective in removing lactic acid in muscles, and vitamin C has immune-boosting and antioxidant properties, which can be expected to have a positive effect when taken with zinc. Animal protein is also essential for muscle growth. Whey protein and casein protein are also animal proteins, so it is wise to rely on supplements if you are unable to supplement your diet with protein.

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