The “501®︎︎DAY” Celebrate Collection is now available with Levi’s® unique prints all over!


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The "501®︎︎DAY" Celebrate Collection is now available with Levi's® unique prints all over!

What is SHRINK-TO-FIT™ that led to the creation of the concept of growing jeans?

The key phrase in this collection, “shrink-to-fit™,” means “shrink to fit,” and refers to unwashed, raw jeans that have not undergone any shrink-proofing treatment. In today’s denim industry, many denim products are shrink-proofed to prevent significant shrinkage of the fabric when washed, but Levi’s®︎ has continued to release SHRINK-TO-FIT™ models since the introduction of the oldest 501®︎ in 1890 to the present. You can enjoy the unique shrinkage of rigid jeans when washed.

In addition, Levi’s®︎ has continued to introduce how to select, wash, and care for SHRINK-TO-FIT™ through artwork and illustrations since that time, which led to the creation of the concept of growing jeans.

Levi’s® Vintage Clothing introduces “How to choose”, “How to wash” and “How to care” 501® SHRINK-TO-FIT™ models with artwork.

Currently, Levi’s® Vintage Clothing, a reissue line, introduces how to select, wash, and care for the 501®SHRINK-TO-FIT™ model. The artwork shows how to choose, wash, and care for the 501®SHRINK-TO-FIT™ models, including how to “enjoy them as rigid”, “wear them in the bathtub”, and “grow them with a good wash”. The artwork explains how to care for your jeans according to your own preferences. The Levi’s®️ Japan website also provides Japanese-language instructions, so if you are interested, why not check it out?

Check out Levi’s®︎ ” 501®︎DAY Collection ” special website!

Levi’s®︎ 501®︎DAY Collection Details

Release date: April 24, 2020 (Friday)
Price: ¥14,000(501® ORIGINAL BATHTUB) / ¥14,000(501® ORIGINAL BATHTUB RIGID) / ¥8,000(501® ORIGINAL CUT-OFF SHORT BATHTUB) / 14,000(VINTAGE TRUCKER BATHTUB )*All prices are tax excluded.
Available at: Levi’s®︎ official online store and some authorized Levi’s®︎ stores
*501®SHRINK-TO-FIT™ model is only available at stores.
*Levis®︎ has taken measures to prevent the spread of the new corona Levi’s®︎ is temporarily closing some stores or changing their business hours to prevent the spread of the new corona virus. Information on store availability will be updated on Levi’s® official SNS ( Twitter,Instagram ).

Inquiries: 0120-099-501 ( Levi Strauss Japan K.K.)

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