Blue shirt men’s coordinate special! Introducing the hottest outfits and items that are fearless and fresh!


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Blue shirt men's coordinate special! Introducing the hottest outfits and items that are fearless and fresh!

A blue shirt with thick stripes adds impact to a clean and fresh men’s coordinate

A blue shirt with thick stripes and white cotton pants, which give off the presence of a leading role, are combined to create an outfit with impact. While the standard summer men’s coordinate is to aim for a clean and fresh impression, this gentleman has completed his out-of-the-box styling by using a blue shirt with strong thick stripes to create a strong hook. The blue shirt gives a very different impression depending on the pitch of the stripes, so the key to stylishness lies in choosing the right item for the right styling.

SONRISA Blue Shirt

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Chambray blue shirts and dress denim shirts add a masculine touch to your coordination and go great with slacks

Chambray blue shirts and denim shirts for dress shirts stand out for their boldness more than typical shirt fabrics such as broadcloth and oxford. Since these shirts were originally designed to be worn with suits and jackets, their compatibility with slacks is well documented. Of course, they also look great in casual wear, so you can expect them to be used not only as innerwear but also as the main tops during the summer season.

Fay Blue Shirt

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