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How to Tie Untie Shoelaces ” “Video shows you how to tie shoelaces in a way that is both easy and fast, as well as how to create an elegant knot!


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How to Tie Untie Shoelaces " "Video shows you how to tie shoelaces in a way that is both easy and fast, as well as how to create an elegant knot!

How to Tie Untying Shoe Laces (2) “A stronger version of the Ian Knot! The “Ian Secure Knot” is a stronger version of the Ian Knot.

The Ian Knot is an easy and fast knot that is difficult to untie, but the ” Ian Secure Knot ” is a stronger knot that holds the knot in place. The Ian Knot is not as fast as the Ian Knot, but it is a much stronger knot that holds the knot in place. The knot shape is also different, so it is possible to use different knots depending on your mood.


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