What boots are OK for business use? Features and examples of coordination for each type!


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What boots are OK for business use? Features and examples of coordination for each type!

Dress boots with inner wings “Dark colors are OK for business use!

Optimal business use and versatility: ☆☆☆☆☆

As with shorts, the degree of formality in boots (boots) is determined by the detail design, color, and material. The inside shuttlecock style used for formal shoes is more formal than the outside shuttlecock style that is standard in hunting boots, engineer boots, etc. The color of the inside shuttlecock style is also more formal than the light brown style. Dark brown and black are more formal than light brown. The same applies to the material: leather is more appropriate for formal occasions than suede. Boots with an inside sole and a surface leather color that is not too bright (black or dark brown) can be worn with business suits without any problem. However, they are not suitable for weddings and funerals, where a higher level of formality than business is required, so it is recommended that they be used only for business purposes.

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However, there are always more than a certain number of men at Pitti Uomo who wear leather boots with an inside sole with a dressy suit.


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