Six ways to wrap a stole that a grown man should learn.


Six ways to wrap a stole that a grown man should learn.

The “stole” has become a staple item for men. It is said that there are more than 60 different ways to wrap a scarf, but be aware that most of them are elaborate, mainly for women, and there is a great danger of giving the impression of being wrapped in a scarf if you force yourself to adopt them. In this issue, we pick up how to choose a stole that gives a sense of familiarity that an adult man should master & introduce a recommended way to wrap it!

3 points for choosing the best stole

First, we will introduce three points that may serve as criteria for choosing a stole!

Point 1: “Appropriate length” for a balanced look

When purchasing a scarf, one of the points that may come as a surprise is the length. For men, it is said that a 180 cm stole is the norm, and many specialty brand stoles are around 180 ± 10 cm in length. Most brands offer stoles with a length of 180 cm, which can be wrapped in any way you like, so you can be sure to choose 180 cm for most people. If you want a light and airy look, choose less than that. If you want the stole to play the leading role in your coordination, it is preferable to choose a longer length.

Point 2: “Appropriate size” for the season

The season is also an important factor. In spring and summer, choose a narrower scarf for a lighter look, and in some cases, a shorter length for an even lighter look. In the fall and winter, a wide scarf will provide protection from the cold, while at the same time creating a sense of weight to balance out the coat.

3) “Fabric design” that influences the impression of the scarf

The fabric design is one of the factors that greatly affects the impression. As for patterns, plain or small patterns are recommended as they can be easily matched with all kinds of coordinates. There is a wide range of materials such as ” cotton “, ” silk “, and ” fur “, but mature men should choose a fabric with a sense of luxury. It will give you a mature look without being too showy.

Related article】Special features on scarves↓ How to wrap a scarf

関連記事 Mens scarves! Introducing all the recommended models from the classic to the high-end models that make men look glamorous and attractive.
マフラー メンズ特集!男を艶やかに魅せるあの定番からハイエンドモデルまでオススメを一挙紹介
Scarves" are not only a winter warmer, but can also be used to glamorize the neck area with a variety of designs. From ...

From the more than 60 different ways to wrap a stole, we have selected five that we recommend!

How to wrap a scarf (1) “Wrap a scarf in a hanging scarf” to emphasize the vertical line

This is a simple style where you simply drape it around your neck rather than wrap it around your body. This style is also recommended for those who want to look taller, as it emphasizes the vertical line the most. If you wrap it inside a jacket, it can also function as a subtle accent.

It is also important to remember the technique of changing the look of the stole by folding it before wrapping it. In particular, the impression changes dramatically when the stole is draped over the outside of the jacket. Tap each image to enlarge it and the text will be displayed.

How to wrap a scarf (2) “Simple and classic! One-loop wrap”.

This is the most common and standard way to wrap a scarf. It is superior in terms of thermal protection, ease of wrapping, and compatibility with all types of outerwear. This is recommended for those who prefer simple wrapping. As shown in the photo, the key point is that by leaving some room without tightly wrapping it, it does not give the impression of being tight or uncomfortable. By shifting the overlapping parts and adding a few twists, it is possible to create a sophisticated atmosphere.

Wrapping a scarf around a scarf (3) ” Plain knot wrapping” – an application of the necktie knot

This is the same method as the plain knot in a necktie. The key is to bring the knot to a slightly lower position than at the neck. This creates a tight, tie-like look and gives a three-dimensional effect to the V-zone. Be careful with thick scarves, as they may make the silhouette look too full.

How to Wrap a Stole (4) “Georgina Wrap” for a sophisticated look

This is a wrapping method said to have been invented by the British scarf designer Georgina von Etsdorf. It is also known as the “double cross,” “Milan wrap,” or “Pitti wrap,” and is a favorite of Italian dapper men and is often seen in the snaps of certain magazines. It is also known as the “double-cross” or “Milano” style of curling, which is the most popular style of curling for Italian men of talent, and is often seen in magazine snaps.

Tap the image below to enlarge it, and the text explaining how to wrap the stole will be displayed.

How to Wrap a Stole (5) “Twist Wrap (Nakao Wrap)” for a decorative look

The twist curl is also known as the Nakao curl because it is the preferred curling style of the actor Akira Nakao. Because it is a very impactful way of curling, there is almost a 100% chance that you will hear, “Oh, you’re wearing a stole! You look like Akira Nakao!” I am sure you will get a “Oh, you’re wearing a stole! I can even say, “How do you like it wrapped around Akira Nakao? I actually recommend it even for those who are shy about wearing a stole. It is also ideal if you want to add an accent to your neck.

In the image, a wool stole is used, but the Nakao Wrap is preferable to use a lightweight stole.

How to Wrap a Stole (6) “Double-hang” gives the appearance of an expert.

This is an advanced style adopted by fashionistas. The stole is simply folded in half and draped over the shoulder, but be careful not to overbalance the volume of the fabric and the way the patterns are matched, as it can give an unrefined impression. If you are interested in this style, why don’t you give it a try?

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関連記事 Mens scarves! Introducing all the recommended models from the classic to the high-end models that make men look glamorous and attractive.
マフラー メンズ特集!男を艶やかに魅せるあの定番からハイエンドモデルまでオススメを一挙紹介
Scarves" are not only a winter warmer, but can also be used to glamorize the neck area with a variety of designs. From ...

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