What is the right way to wash your face? How to Choose a Facial Cleanser for Each Skin Type


What is the right way to wash your face? How to Choose a Facial Cleanser for Each Skin Type

Are there any points you are conscious of when washing your face? In fact, it is known that the way you wash your face makes a difference in how much dirt is removed and the condition of your skin. Therefore, if you are aiming for beautiful skin, it is a good idea to master the correct way to wash your face as well as to be particular about the cleanser. In this article, we will explain the correct way to wash your face, as well as the key to choosing the right cleanser.

Cosmetic Dermatologist, Specialist in Japanese Society of Anti-Aging MedicineNatsumi Miwa
Graduated from Kitasato University School of Medicine in 2013. After completing her training at the University of Tokyo Hospital, she worked as an internist and dermatologist at a clinic in Tokyo. From May 2017 to June 2020, she worked at a cosmetic clinic in Tokyo as a director. She has been the director of ”LonaLona CLINIC" since July 2020. She is active in a wide range of activities including lectures, TV, radio, magazines, and the web.

Men tend to wash their face with water in the morning, but not with a cleanser!

Many men probably wash their face in the morning using only water and warm water. However, the skin in the morning is dirtier than they think, with sweat and sebum secreted during sleep, and dust mites and dust from bedding adhering to the face. Since it is difficult to wash off such dirt with water alone, it is important to remove it thoroughly with the help of a facial cleanser. Starting the day with clean skin will help stabilize skin tone during the day, so if you have been washing your face with water, please reconsider.

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3 things to prepare before washing your face

First of all, I would like to introduce what you need to prepare before washing your face. It is no exaggeration to say that you cannot properly wash your face if you cannot prepare the three things I am about to introduce. This is necessary whether you are washing your face at the washbasin or in the shower room, so check them out.

1) “Prepare a soft towel or tissue.”

The stratum corneum, the surface of the facial skin, is only about 0.02 mm, which is as thin as a sheet of plastic wrap. Since it is quite thin and easily damaged, prepare a soft towel or tissue so that you can wipe your face gently. Also, be careful not to scrub the skin as men tend to do, as friction with the towel can cause redness and inflammation.

Find a towel

Tips for wiping your face with a towel

When wiping away moisture after washing your face with a towel, simply press the towel gently against your face; even a soft towel will irritate if rubbed, so gently place the towel on the surface of the skin to absorb the water droplets. A hard towel can also be irritating just by pressing it against the face, so it is important to use a soft, fluffy towel. For this reason, it is recommended to use fabric softener when washing.

Tips for wiping face with tissue

If you tend to scrub your face when using a towel, or if you only own a hard towel, you can also use a tissue. The usage is the same as that of a towel; just press it gently against your face to wipe away moisture without irritation. Incidentally, one advantage of using tissues is that you do not have to worry about towel fibers sticking to your face, and among some beauty-conscious men, there is a growing tendency to wipe with tissues for the sake of their skin.

2) “It is convenient to have a lathering net to make thick lather “

If you are using a facial cleanser that requires foaming, such as soap or facial cleansing foam, it is recommended to prepare a foaming net. Since it can create a finer and denser lather than lathering with the palm of the hand, the lather can easily penetrate deep into the pores. This allows you to thoroughly remove unnecessary keratin and excess sebum that can cause acne and clogged pores, so if you are suffering from skin problems, we encourage you to use this product.

Find a lather net

(3) “Checking the water temperature is a must! A temperature that feels a little cooler than human skin is good.

When washing your face, are you using cold or hot water? In fact, the temperature of the water is very important. If the water is too cold, it will not lift off the sebum and leave dirt on the skin, while if it is too hot, it will wash off the necessary oil, which can cause dry skin. The appropriate temperature for washing your face is “32~34℃” lukewarm water. It is said that the temperature that feels slightly cooler than human skin is actually close to the temperature of the surface of the facial skin, so be sure to adjust the temperature before washing your face.

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