Farewell razor burn! Tips to keep in mind when shaving


Farewell razor burn! Tips to keep in mind when shaving

Shaving is essential to a man’s grooming, but it comes with the problem of razor burn. Everyone has experienced razor burn. In this article, we will introduce tips for shaving to avoid razor burn. *In case of severe razor burn, we recommend consulting a dermatologist.

What are 6 tips for shaving to prevent razor burn?

Once it happens, razor burn takes a long time to heal. However, razor burn can be prevented if you keep the points in mind. Because it is a daily habit, we want to learn how to do it correctly without neglecting it.

Tips for shaving to prevent razor burn (1) “Shave smoothly 15~30 minutes after waking up.

Basically, shaving should be done in the morning. This is because the beard grows best between 6:00 and 10:00 a.m., and because skin is firmer after a good night’s sleep. Above all, shaving in the morning is a good way to start the day. However, it is better to shave 15 to 30 minutes after waking up, not immediately after waking up. The skin is swollen after waking up, making it difficult to get a deep shave and prone to bleeding.

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Shaving tips to prevent razor burn (2) “Soften your beard before shaving!

The hardness of the beard varies from person to person, but it is said that a beard that does not contain moisture is as hard as brass. In preventing razor burn, where the ironclad rule is to reduce the burden on the skin as much as possible, beard hardness is the biggest enemy. Therefore, it is a must to soften the beard with a steamed towel before shaving. Shaving foam and gel also have the effect of softening the skin, so it is recommended to use them together.

Tips for shaving to prevent razor burn (3) “Pay attention to the condition of your razor.

Razor burn is caused by bacteria that enter the skin through minute scratches made during shaving. Therefore, it is not recommended to use razors that are not clean. Be careful not to leave the razor in a humid bathroom, as bacteria can multiply. Razors should be stored in a dry and clean place, and blades should be changed regularly.

Shaving tips to prevent razor burn (4) “Shaving in order is the basic method to prevent razor burn.

In terms of preventing razor burn, shaving in order is more ideal than shaving backwards. Forward shaving follows the flow of hairs and avoids razor burn and skin irritation. On the other hand, forward shaving has the disadvantages of not being able to shave deeply enough to leave a clean shave and of not being able to achieve a smooth, smooth feel. If you have a thick beard, you can expect to avoid razor burn by carefully softening the beard as described above, then shaving in reverse after the forward shave.

Shaving tips to prevent razor burn (5) “Moisturize your skin thoroughly after shaving!

Don’t rest easy just because you have completed the shaving process. The most important step in preventing razor burn is post-shaving care. After rinsing off the foam and beard with cold water, it is important to moisturize the skin with lotion. If skin irritation occurs despite careful care, one option is to use an after-shaving lotion with a soothing effect. In addition, since the balance of moisture and oil is important to prevent skin irritation, add a milky lotion if possible to replenish the skin with the proper amount of oil and moisture.

Tips for shaving to prevent razor burn (6) “Be careful when you are not feeling well or the day after a heavy drinking session.

When you are not feeling well or the morning after drinking too much alcohol, you should avoid shaving as much as possible. If you shave when your skin is swollen or lacks elasticity due to alcohol, it tends to bleed and cause razor burn. Even people who normally do not get razor burn should be aware that they may get razor burn. If you must shave, take care of your skin before and after shaving more carefully and carefully than usual.

40-second introduction! How to shave without razor burn.

Check out OTOKOMAE’s official TikTok channel to learn how to shave without razor burn in 40 seconds!

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