Men’s Fan Brand Special! 5 makers of the finest products


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Men's Fan Brand Special! 5 makers of the finest products

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Folding fan brand 4 ” Foilichi

Foilichi is a gold leaf manufacturer headquartered in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Kanazawa is known for producing more than 98% of Japan’s gold leaf, and the company manufactures arts and crafts, sundries, and interior goods using gold leaf. The fans produced by Foilichi are not only luxurious because of the use of gold leaf, but also because each fan is individually handmade and gold leaf is applied to it, so that no two fans have exactly the same pattern.

Foilichi “Chirashi Bi: Starry Sky

From the fan surface to the fan bone and assembly, each fan is handmade by craftsmen. The gold leaf is made by using the noge, sunako, and kirikawashi techniques used for folding screens, and the chirashi technique is used to express a myriad of twinkling stars like a starry sky. The black base gives a not-too-much impression, making it a perfect match for a suit and tie.

For details and purchase, click here

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Foilichi “Foil beauty Ariake

This elegant and refined fan expresses the moon at dawn in gold leaf. It is made by taking advantage of the natural cracking expression of the foil, its thinness, and softness, and the fact that no two fans are alike is also very appealing to the male mind.

For details and purchase, click here

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