What kind of mountain parka goes with a suit? From how to wear it to avoid a dowdy impression to the hottest models.


What kind of mountain parka goes with a suit? From how to wear it to avoid a dowdy impression to the hottest models.

In today’s world where a mix of dress and casual wear is becoming more and more popular, the suit and mountain parka look may be one of the new standard styles. Designed to withstand the harsh natural environment, mountain parkas are equipped with a number of functions such as protection against the cold, wind, and water repellency, making them ideal for supporting businesspersons who are often on the go, whether on the job or on the sales floor. In this issue, we focus on mountain parkas that go well with suits, and we pick up some key points on how to wear them without looking tacky, as well as some notable models!

Suit” and “mountain parka” are a combination of different tastes, so be aware of the basics!

The suit, which symbolizes a dress style, and the mountain parka, which is made for mountain climbing. The combination of items with such different tastes can make the coordination look awkward if styled incorrectly. It is important to keep in mind the basic elements that make an outfit look fashionable, such as ” wear it in the right size ” and ” be aware of the consistency of materials and colors.

The above snapshot shows a suit style that is different from business attire, but it is picked up as a reference material for creating a sense of unity of taste. In addition to wearing the suit in the appropriate size, the coordination that understands the background of each item, such as choosing Tyrolean shoes, which originated as shoes for mountain folk, for the feet to match the mountain parka, is very appealing.

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Two points to keep in mind when choosing a mountain parka that goes with a suit

If you are looking for a mountain parka that goes well with a suit, we recommend that you choose a model that meets the two points we are about to introduce.

(1) Choose a length that covers the suit jacket.

Basically, it is preferable to choose a model with a length that does not show the hem of the jacket when the mountain parka is worn. If the hem of the jacket can be seen through the hem of the mountain parka, it will instantly create a casual atmosphere. The length of a jacket is usually around 72cm for a size 46, so it is advisable to choose a mountain parka with a length longer than that when purchasing online.

(2) Choose a sophisticated design that makes a modest statement.

If you are planning to wear a mountain parka with a business style that requires a “nonassertive elegance,” we recommend that you choose a mountain parka with a simple design based on basic colors such as black and navy. It is better to avoid choosing a model with a lot of logos or colorful parts.

ARC’TERYX mountain parka

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