What sweat wipes do you recommend? What to choose & how to wipe to prevent odor.


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What sweat wipes do you recommend? What to choose & how to wipe to prevent odor.

Recommendation 3: “MARO Body Sheet Citrus Musk

The “Marlo” body sheet contains plenty of liquid to wipe your body and face. In addition to containing long-lasting menthol that keeps you feeling cool and refreshed, the sheets have an elegant citrus musk fragrance that makes them very comfortable to use. The sheet also contains vitamin E to tone the skin and refresh it while caring for the skin.

For details and purchase, click here.

Strong cooling sensation sweat wiping sheet recommendation 4: “SEABREEZE Body Sheet Sonicac

When it comes to antiperspirants, this is the place to go! Sea Breeze body sheets are loved by people of all ages. The clean, soapy scent is pleasant and is sure to make a good impression on your partner. The large sheets contain plenty of liquid, so you can wipe your entire body and feel refreshed. It is attractive that the skin feels smooth and silky immediately after wiping.

For details and purchase, click here.

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