At the recent Pitti Uomo, short-length outerwear showed an increase in wear rate. In particular, rugged items such as flight jackets and riders’ jackets are gaining popularity, and the trend of winter outerwear, which used to be dominated by long-length coats, is changing. This time, we focus on short, rugged outerwear and introduce three items of interest to our editorial department, along with the latest snapshots of the season!
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The hottest item is a “leather jacket with a boa! Wearing rate among Pitti contestants has skyrocketed!
Compared to last winter’s collection, the percentage of the rugged outerwear with boa material on the collar and lining has drastically increased at the latest Pitti Uomo. Leather flight jackets such as the B-3 and G-1 were particularly popular, and men in masculine outfits were conspicuous. The G-1 jacket, which was worn by Tom Cruise in the movie “Top Gun” in the late 1980s, will be a must-see item in the future, as the sequel to the movie will be released in 2020, and its popularity is expected to revive. It seems likely that this item will be a must-see item in the future. The shearling coat worn by Colin Firth in ” Kingsman: The Golden Circle ” is also popular. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the leather jacket with boa, which has an outstanding masculine mood, is the top candidate for the next trend of outerwear.
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Then we’ll introduce you to our recommended leather jacket with boa!