Picking up hairstyles that look great with pomade!

Picking up hairstyles that look great with pomade!

Pomade is one of the essential styling products for creating shiny and manageable hairstyles. Hairstyles with a glossy look and a clear, crisp parting can create a man’s sex appeal and an atmosphere of intelligence. A decade ago, pomade had more or less the image of being used by older people, but today it is used by many people, from business people to advanced fashionistas. In this issue, we introduce recommended hairstyles and styling methods using pomade!

Differences between pomades, greases, gels and other wet styling products

Pomade, grease, and gel are indispensable for creating wet textures in hairstyles. So from here, we will explain three types of wet styling agents with similar properties.

Modern pomades and greases are almost the same

The pomades and greases currently on the market are mostly determined by which name each manufacturer chooses to use. Strictly speaking, pomade is a combination of castor oil and wood wax, while grease is a pomade with water added to improve its stretchability and ease of removal. The disadvantages of original pomade are its strong fragrance and difficulty in removing it, so grease, which is easier to handle, is now the mainstream. It is also true that an increasing number of products are being sold under the name of pomade while being manufactured like grease. This makes it difficult to make a clear distinction between the many pomades and greases that are currently on the market.

Related article ] 17 pomade recommendations! Also the difference between oil-based and water-based products and hairstyles that should be used.

関連記事 17 pomade recommendations! Also the difference between oil-based and water-based and the hairstyles you should use.
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Gels are made from synthetic resins and have higher setting power

Gel differs from pomade and grease in that it is made from a synthetic resin rather than oil. Unlike oil, synthetic resins do not penetrate the hair, but have a surface coating effect, which gives them high setting power. While pomades and greases can be easily fixed by hand after application, gels harden over time and are suitable for hair styling that requires a firm hold. However, it is possible to use a hairspray after using pomade or grease to enhance the holding power, so it is better to choose a styling product that suits your hair quality and the image you want to achieve.

What kind of hair styles are easy to handle with Pomade?

Pomade is suitable for hairstyles that require a clear parting and direction of hair flow, because the oil and moisture in pomade make hair manageable. For example, a “two-block style” or “up-bang style” with a fuller side and top movement, or a “regent style” with a strong flow of hair. style,” which allows the hair to flow more tightly. Cold perm is also often used in perm styles to take advantage of the “curl movement is strongest in the wet state. It is not suitable for bundled styles or airy textured hairstyles, so care should be taken when using it in such styles. If anything, it is more suited to hairstyles that are masculine and sexy rather than feminine.

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