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What are the benefits of using hair cream? How to choose and recommended products!


What are the benefits of using hair cream? How to choose and recommended products!

Hair creams meet the needs of today’s increasing number of men who want a natural look with just the right amount of setting power, without setting as stiffly as hair wax, grease, or gel.

What are the advantages of choosing hair creams as styling agents?

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, today’s consumers prefer natural styles that do not try too hard, rather than hairstyles created with hard waxes, greases, or gels. Hair balms and hair oils are popular for their slight setting power and shiny texture, but hair creams are capable of creating natural styles with little shine. Although they are not styling products that can make your hair stand up or create a sharp parting, hair creams are recommended if you want to create a flow or a subtle tousled look.

Editor Izumi
I sometimes use wax or gel on days when my hair needs to be well set, such as at a business meeting, but I have always spent most of my time with my hair in its natural state, so these days I exclusively use hair cream. It is just right for giving a nuanced “styled” look to a dry base. The current hair trend is in such a mood, so the number of options has increased considerably over the past year or two.

How to choose a hair cream

Basically, all products are often offered with the same weak setting strength, so the main criteria for selection are fragrance and texture, such as heavy and light. However, some hair creams are intended for treatment purposes, so if you are considering using them as a styling agent, you should choose one with a certain amount of setting power. Many hair creams designed for men have good setting power, so look at the product description and choose the right one.

If the purpose is to treat hair, avoid hair creams with setting power, and choose hair creams with moisturizing effects.

If the purpose of using hair cream is to moisturize or repair damage, hair creams such as those mentioned above are not suitable. If it is for treatment purposes, choose a hair cream that is light and contains ingredients such as amino acids, since it is basically supposed to be applied when you are at home. Since many of these products are made for women, check that they contain moisturizing ingredients. Some of them also have a treatment effect and loose setting power, so it is possible to choose such hair creams when going out for a short time.

Hair Cream Men's Recommendation ①SUNCALL Scrim Moist Hair Cream

Scrim Moist Hair Cream from Suncall is a product with enough setting power to create hair flow nuances while leaving hair with a moist texture. It is a product that has enough setting power to create hair flow nuances while leaving hair moist. It contains hyaluronic acid to provide moisture and natural shine. Leaves hair feeling smooth and silky without being sticky.

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Hair Cream Men's Recommendation #2Portugal Hair Cream

Portugal is popular for its hair care and grooming items that match barber styles. Their hair creams have also gained popularity over the past few years, especially for their glossy texture and refreshing citrus scent. The product’s high-moisture formula provides a moist finish and enough setting power to create a flow of hair, making it the perfect hair cream for men’s natural hairstyles. The packaging is also stylish and nice.

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Hair Cream Men's Recommendation 3track Hair Cream No.1

From track, which became a popular manufacturer with its fragrant hair oil, we picked up a hair cream with an inorganic package that sticks in the male mind. The products are available from No.1 to No.3, and the difference between them is the fragrance.

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Hair Cream Men's Recommendation 4OCEAN TRICO Soft Cream

Ocean Trico is a hair styling product brand produced by popular beauty salon OCEAN TOKYO. The catchy hair cream named “Soft Cream” gives the hair a “set” feeling even with a small amount. Since it does not have the same setting power as wax, it gives hair a natural texture.

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Hair Cream Men's Recommendation ⑤Napra N. Shea Cream

Napra’s N. Dot Shea Cream is a cream wax-based hair cream with a gel base that has high setting power. Although it is based on wax, it does not have the stiffness characteristic of wax and has a smooth finish.

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