Raise your masculinity to the next level with a cropped belly short! Recommended hairstyles for different face types


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Raise your masculinity to the next level with a cropped belly short! Recommended hairstyles for different face types

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Face type (2) “Trimmed belly-length short hair x “round face

A “round face” with a 1:1 aspect ratio is characterized by a tendency to look childish, for better or worse. An effective way to avoid looking childish is to emphasize the vertical silhouette with a Mohawk base or other hairstyles. The vertical line can be accentuated by trimming the sides of the hair firmly, so two-block hair cut high or a barber style with a fade cut can be used. It is also recommended that hair be styled to stand up to cover the roundness of the face.

A cropped belly short hair style that suits round faces (1) “A casual soft Mohawk that appeals to men and women of all ages and genders.

The key is to keep the sides of the hair natural-looking without trimming it too much. A soft Mohawk tends to give a mischievous impression, but by keeping the sides trimmed to a natural look, it can be a hairstyle that appeals to everyone. It is also easy to maintain the silhouette, as there is almost no need to keep the hair cut short.

▶︎Styling tips

Standing the hair up during the hair-drying stage is essential to create a cool Mohawk style. Dry hair in a way that gathers the entire hair in the center, and apply a wax with good holding power all over. Adjust the volume and tuck in the ends to create bunches of hair to complete the look. The hair in the back tends to be pulled down by gravity, so if this is a concern, use a hairspray to firm it up.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎”Lebel Geo Wax Solid Hold

For details and purchase, click here.

Cropped belly short hairstyle that suits a round face (2) “A dignified up-bang is the key!

The secret to balancing the round face is to keep the mohawk base low and the mowing position low. The volume of the hair ends is adjusted by using senning and slide cuts to create a dynamic hairstyle that is easy to move and create a bundled look. The hair can also be arranged in unexpected ways, for example, by lightly warping the upswept bangs to create a trendy jet Mohawk haircut.

▶︎Styling tips

After blending in fiber wax that easily creates movement throughout the hair, move the hair so that it is gathered in the center and set it while letting it down so that the hair flows in the back. To keep the volume on the sides down is a good way to cover up a round face, so lightly press down while sweeping the hair forward. Finish by adjusting the silhouette of the upswept bangs.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎”OCEANTRICO Hair Wax Shine Over Shine x Keep”

For details and purchase, click here.

Cropped belly short hair that looks good on round faces (3) “Mohawk style with hard gradient cropping and angles for a mature look.

The silhouette is not cropped to create a curve to match the roundness of the head, but rather to gradually gradient to create a silhouette that stretches vertically. And by leaving a certain amount of volume at the bee where the mow connects to the top, the rounded shape is given an angular, mature look. Although more frequent mowing is necessary to maintain the silhouette, it is highly effective in improving the round silhouette.

▶︎Styling tips

For a more mature look, grease that produces shine is recommended. After lightly wetting and towel-drying, simply blend the styling product throughout the hair and adjust the hair flow for a quick set. This is perfect for busy businessmen in the morning.

Recommended styling products for this hair style ▶︎”Sakamoto Koseido Cook Grease XXX

For details and purchase, click here.

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