What is the best muscle training for a belly slimming diet? Causes and remedies for a flabby belly.


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What is the best muscle training for a belly slimming diet? Causes and remedies for a flabby belly.

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Muscle training items suitable for losing belly fat, by part!

Here are the best training exercises for each of the three abdominal muscle groups. The abdominal muscles are small and recover quickly from muscle fatigue, so it is recommended to train them at least 2~3 days a week, especially if you are on a diet.

Crunches are recommended for training the rectus abdominis muscles!

If you want to stimulate the rectus abdominis muscles, we recommend crunches that round the abdomen. Typical examples include the orthodox sit-up, abdominal crunches using a machine, and cable crunches, which allow the muscles to contract all the way to the end. If you want to focus on the lower part of the rectus abdominis, you can use leg raises or dragon flags.

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Work the obliques with twitching movements!

When training the abdominal oblique muscles, it is effective to incorporate movements that make the body twitch. Examples include side crunches, twist crunches, and twisted leg raises. Plank exercises, in which the body is held straight like a board, can also be used to train the abdominal oblique muscles, but since the external oblique muscles are the main focus and the internal oblique muscles are not stimulated, it is best to include them only as an added bonus.

Drawing and planks are great for strengthening the transversus abdominis muscles!

It is effective to train the transversus abdominis muscle, which is an inner muscle, not by moving it but by being aware of abdominal pressure. Therefore, drawings and planks performed while lying on one’s back and breathing slowly are effective. To train the transversus abdominis muscle, it is important to breathe correctly while imagining that your stomach and back are attached to each other.

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Aerobic exercise is also important if you want to lose weight and lose belly fat!

In addition to focusing on abdominal muscle training, a belly slimming diet should also include calorie restriction and aerobic exercise to burn calories. The key to avoiding excess fat is to eat three or more separate meals so that you don’t take in all the calories at once. There are many opinions about aerobic exercise, but if weight loss is a priority, it is effective to include it. Too much aerobic exercise can lead to muscle loss, so it is best to do it in moderation while calculating calorie consumption.

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