The summer men’s fashion plate! 9 techniques to make your “plain T-shirt coordination” look more stylish.


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The summer men's fashion plate! 9 techniques to make your "plain T-shirt coordination" look more stylish.

Men’s Plain T-Shirt Coordinate Technique 4: “Create a sophisticated impression with tone-on-tone!

The worldwide trend of tone-on-tone (combining similar colors) can be incorporated into a plain T-shirt coordinate to create a sophisticated atmosphere. As shown in the snapshot below, a plain navy T-shirt and navy pants are an easy way to incorporate this style.

This is a good choice for a plain navy T-shirt! GENTLEMAN PROJECTS EVANS “

For details and purchase, click here.

Men’s Plain T-Shirt Codes – Style Technique #5: “Look stylish by layering T-shirts!

If you have several T-shirts that fit your body type, layering them to create a coordinated look with rhythm is also a strong option. Just by showing a glimpse of innerwear from the hem or cuffs, you can create a stylish mood. Some advanced wearers enjoy sophisticated layering by layering T-shirts with different necklines. The neckline can make a real difference in the impression depending on the balance, so be careful when trying this look.

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