Summer knitwear for men! Introducing outfits and items that are both classy and lightweight


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Summer knitwear for men! Introducing outfits and items that are both classy and lightweight

For a more elegant look, a summer knit polo is also a great choice!

If you are looking for a more elegant look, a polo shirt made of summer knit material would be a good choice. The dressy look of the collared design is sure to elevate your outfit. If you choose a knit polo in a subdued color like the gentleman we picked up, you will be in a more mature mood.

Cruciani Summer Knit Polo Shirt

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Summer knitwear is an excellent choice for those times when “a T-shirt is too light…”!

Even though it is hot, there are many times during the summer season when a T-shirt is too light. Summer knits are sure to be the answer to such problems. This gentleman wears a navy summer knit over a white T to create a beautiful coordinate that avoids a rough look. Summer knits are usually made of linen, tropical wool, or fine cotton for a cooler feel, so you can enjoy layered styles even in summer.

John Smedley Navy Summer Knit

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A simple summer knit and jeans coordinate

This style is simple, with a striped shirt inserted into a summer knit and jeans. Blue is the main color, and the unified color combination creates a sophisticated impression.


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