Jacket and Jeans Codes for Men! Introducing a mix of dressy and casual jackets with a touch of sophistication


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Jacket and Jeans Codes for Men! Introducing a mix of dressy and casual jackets with a touch of sophistication

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Choices of matching white jeans with jackets

By wearing white jeans with a jacket, it is possible to create a clean and classy impression while casualizing the jacket look. Many fashionable Italian people were also seen wearing white pants with jackets.

Matching a navy jacket with white pants for a clean coordinated look

A navy tailored jacket and white jeans create a clean look. A gray T-shirt, which is a neutral color, is used as an inner layer to adjust the color balance to just the right level.

Creating a sense of unity by linking the material of the jacket and white jeans

To give a sense of unity to the outfit, it is of course possible to match the colors of each item, but linking the materials is also a strong option. The seemingly unbalanced combination of a dress jacket and casual jeans can be made to look familiar by using a common cotton material.

Clean look with white items except for the cotton jacket

All items except the jacket are white. The crumpled cotton fabric jacket and the damaged finish on the white jeans add a moderately rugged element to the clean coloring. The use of accessories, such as a red watch and turquoise bracelet, as a color accent to the monotone styling is a point of reference.


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