Pullover Shirt Men’s Coordinate Special! Featured outfits & items that are both beautiful and relaxed!


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Pullover Shirt Men's Coordinate Special! Featured outfits & items that are both beautiful and relaxed!

Pullover shirts break up the classic coordination made with beltless pants and suspenders.

The classic look of beltless pants and suspenders is casually worn with a pullover shirt. Of course, it is possible to dress up the look by choosing a dress shirt, but such a casual look is also very interesting.

Sizing, coloring and accessories make the pullover shirt coordinate chic.

The pullover shirt coordinate with just the right size and dark tone coloring creates a calm atmosphere. The sleeves are not rolled up, and a scarf is wrapped around the open chest to keep the shirt from looking too loose, giving the coordination a more chic finish.

Pullover shirts with thick plackets and breast pockets make coordination more casual

Pullover shirts give different impressions depending on whether they have a front placket or pockets. For example, a shirt with a thick front placket and chest pockets, such as the one worn by the gentleman shown here, has a casual look. If you wear it oversized, it will give you a rougher and more relaxed look.

A pullover shirt with a thick stripe pattern adds a touch of sophistication to a navy suit outfit.

Striped items have been gaining popularity as a trend in recent years, with thick-pitch stripes being the hottest trend. This gentleman, whom we caught at Pitti Uomo, also incorporated stripes into his suit style. By wearing a pullover shirt with wide stripes, he adds an accent to his navy suit style.

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