Rider’s Jacket Codes for Men! How to choose a single or double jacket and how to wear it in season!


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Rider's Jacket Codes for Men! How to choose a single or double jacket and how to wear it in season!

Introducing seasonal outfits and recommended items using a riders jacket!

Double rider’s jacket on the shoulder without sleeves adds a martial spirit to a beautiful men’s coordinate.

A yellow ribbed cardigan, black turtleneck sweater, black slacks, and black suede harness boots add to the clean look, while a vintage-style double rider slung over the shoulder adds to the martial spirit of the outfit. The short length of the double riders, which have a strong presence, is accentuated by the yellow cardigan worn inside so that the eye does not focus on the double riders worn on the shoulder without sleeves. For a more modern look, it would be smart to have the cardigan peeking out from the cuffs of the riders’ sleeves instead of hanging them over the shoulders, which would balance the color scheme better.

Golden Goose Riders Jacket

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[ Related article ] Click here for a special feature on coordinating double riders jackets:

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A men’s all-black outfit with a single rider’s jacket worn over a long-length hooded jacket

A minimalist single riders jacket is chosen and layered over a long, soft-fabric, cut-and-sewn, hooded jacket. The hood of the jacket is placed over the shoulders of the riders like a sailor collar, and the jacket peeks out generously from the hem of the riders to control the ruggedness of the riders, creating an all-black outfit that is both hard and elegant at the same time. The use of tapered pants with a generous fit from the waist to the thighs, in sync with the drape of the hooded jacket, is also a nice touch.

JACK & JONES Riders Jacket

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[ Related article ] Click here for a special feature on coordinating single riders:

関連記事 Single Rider Jacket Cordage Special! Introducing the recommended items & mature outfits that combine sophistication and masculinity!
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When layering a rider’s jacket under an overcoat, focus on bringing out the best in both jackets.

To begin with, dress overcoats such as stainless coats, Chester coats, and trench coats are completely different from riders’ jackets in taste, and considerable technique is essential when layering them. In particular, when a leather rider’s jacket, which stands out for its weight, is worn under an overcoat, the layers do not fit well together and the balance looks awkward, creating an unintended, tacked-on or pretentious atmosphere. The smartness of the layered style is brought about by the heaviness of the outshell item, and regardless of the length of the garment, if the inner layer is heavy, it will often look dowdy and drab.


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