What is faux suede? Focus on the advantages, disadvantages, and differences from real suede.

What is faux suede? Focus on the advantages, disadvantages, and differences from real suede.

Even for men who like clothes, there are a surprisingly large number of fashion terms that they “kind of understand but don’t know the exact meaning of. This is why we have decided to focus on “fashion terms that you may not know the exact meaning of” in this issue. The theme this time is “faux suede. We will introduce its meaning, the difference from real suede, and its merits and demerits all at once!

What is faux suede?

Faux suede is a fabric with a texture similar to that of suede leather, which is created artificially by furring up the underside of goat or calf skin. It is a type of faux leather called man-made leather or synthetic leather.

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What is the difference from real suede?

The main difference between real suede and faux suede is the material. Real suede is made directly from animal hide, while faux suede is based on polyester or acrylic fabric. The synthetic fabric is treated with a special process to give it a texture similar to that of real suede.

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Advantages of Faux Suede

The following is an introduction to the advantages of faux suede compared to natural suede.

1) “Light and easy to wear!

In today’s world where comfort is important, lightweight materials tend to be preferred. While natural leather can be worn for a long time while enjoying the change over time, its hard and heavy nature makes it a crying point for those who prefer it. On the other hand, faux suede, which is fabric-based and lightweight with an appearance similar to natural leather, is popular enough to be used by all brands for all kinds of products, as it is easily accepted by all people. Because of its soft texture, apparel using faux suede has the advantage that it does not cause fatigue even when worn for long periods of time.

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2) “Thin but highly durable! Easy to care for.”

Natural leather becomes less durable the thinner it is made, but faux suede boasts high durability even when thin. For this reason, faux suede is often used not only for outerwear, but also for pocket pockets and bag linings. It is also attractive because it is easy to care for, with few rain stains or color transfers, and can be dry-cleaned as usual. Because it can be handled roughly, it is often used as a material for easy pants, as shown in the image below.

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3) “Reasonably priced!

Compared to natural suede, which can only be harvested from a single cow in limited quantities, faux suede can be easily mass-produced at reasonable prices. Combined with the ease of secondary processing such as printing and perforating, the difference in price can often be as much as 1/2 or more of the price of the same item simply by changing from real to faux suede.

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Faux suede has the disadvantage of degradation over time due to hydrolysis of polyurethane.

While faux suede has many advantages over suede, it also has its own disadvantages. Basically, the raised feel of faux suede is created by bonding fine polyester fibers with polyurethane resin, but the material that serves as the adhesive is subject to hydrolysis, or degradation over time.

Hydrolysis of faux suede is said to occur approximately three years after manufacture due to the effects of moisture in the air, perspiration, and dirt, and once degradation begins, the polyester fibers that produce the raised texture become detached and worn. For this reason, it is recommended that faux suede products be purchased for short-term wear, such as trendy items, rather than for long-term wear, such as five or ten years.

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